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  1. blutang

    Pictures on my site

    How are the Scat and the Puffer doing in a full salt environment? I thought those per strickly brackish water fish. The tank looks really nice....I like the Niger you have. I also like that box install you did...its really nice....I have two JL 10" W6's in the back of my Integra with a...
  2. blutang

    just starting out with 55 gallon

    Newbie....I think you have made a very wise decision. You will be very happy with a community tank.....Congrats on your getting it started and I hope you stay with this hobby, it can be really rewarding.
  3. blutang

    Hey MR SALTY!!!!

    BUMP......Mr. Salty do you have an answer to this?
  4. blutang

    Would this be a safe fish to add?

    BUMP....Anyone have an answer to this question?
  5. blutang

    brown stuff on top on sand

    No problem...have fun with that 85gl.
  6. blutang

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    All I have to say is WOW!!! its amazing how much traffic this post has create, and how much people love their hobby. This is such an amazing thing to do, I mean you creating an ocean in your house. Its a lot of fun and really relaxing. Thanks to all for posting it has been really fun reading...
  7. blutang

    Domino Damsel

    Fish can regulate their colors on a regular basis.........I have a Flame Hawk, and obviously his name denotes his very bright red/orange color, and at night after the light has been off for some time he can become pale and a little white. I think it mainly when the fish slows down and gets...
  8. blutang

    what are those white swimming organisms??

    Could they possibly be flat worms?
  9. blutang

    brown stuff on top on sand

    Hey whats up? That is just algae it is very common and'll continue to have that for a while. My lfs told me that it can continue for up to six months. Late
  10. blutang

    just starting out with 55 gallon

    See thats the one thing that is so frustrating sometimes about this hobby everyone has their own opinions. Personally I think that the Picasso Trigger is an agressive fish, I think that the Niger is the most calm. Porcupine fish are the fish that you have to worry about eating your other fish...
  11. blutang

    Would this be a safe fish to add?

    Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. Do you think that if I installed a good wet dry and a better performing protein skimmer that I'd be safe and simply at the limit? Thanks
  12. blutang

    Would this be a safe fish to add?

    I was kinda worried that I had hit the max but thanks for reiterating that to me. Does anyone else have a second or differing opinion? Thanks guys!
  13. blutang

    just starting out with 55 gallon

    First of all I would suggest waiting longer to add fish so that the water can cycle completely, and if you want a peaceful tank you definitely don't want any of the fish you suggested, because these are some of the most aggressive fish around. If you want an aggressive tank you have got a...
  14. blutang

    R.O. vs filtered water?

    Thank you very much.....I guess you learn something new everyday. My opinion (now that I can make an informed one :D ) is that you would really need one simply because I only add tap water to my tank when I refill and top off. Later :)
  15. blutang

    How Much Money Do You Have In Your Aquarium

    I personally don't have a lot right now due to the size of my wallet, however, I think I have around 600.00 and still counting. Everyone else please add your stories and setups. Later :D
  16. blutang

    Would this be a safe fish to add?

    I currently have a 46 gallon bowfront aquarium, and I was wondering if it would be safe to add a Niger Trigger to my tank? Here are my current inhabitant: Powder Blue Tang Flame Hawkfish Square Male Anthias Mandarine Goby Tiger Goby Would all of these other fish be safe from being picked at by...
  17. blutang

    R.O. vs filtered water?

    Pardon my ignorance, however, was exactly is an RO?
  18. blutang

    Yellow Coris Wrasse

    First off, congrats on the appearances, and I would have to say that once he becomes better acclimated, he'll show more and more.....I found that wrasses seem to be very skiddish at first. I definitely experienced this same syndrome with my Square Male Anthias. Good Luck :D
  19. blutang

    Live Rock Critter

    Why exactly is the anemone so bad? I'm asking this simply because you guys seem really determined to get rid of it. (just a question not be smart :) )
  20. blutang

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    Well not to be harsh or anything, but I don't think that we could ever even come close to providing an environment that is considerably as good and as stable as the natural sea. I mean look at the sea it supports so many forms of life. And I do know that we can't have aquariums that big...