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  1. blutang

    Hey Terry B!!!

    Hey Terry, I have a question. In a post that you made on Jeff903's topic said that if you take a fish out of your saltwater tank and release him into the ocean he will die and that its illegal. Why will he die? and Why is it illegal? Later!
  2. blutang

    Hey MR SALTY!!!!

    Mr. some new pics of your aquarium as soon as you can....I'd like to see it now. Later!
  3. blutang


    I really think that your one determining factor is the species of Trigger. If you don't get an agressive species you could put two in your tank. It just all depends.
  4. blutang

    lights 24/7 ?

    I wouldn't advise 24 hour lighting in your tank, cuz you would surely get an algae bloom. Later!
  5. blutang

    More Pics!!!

    Thats an awesome tank really have something to be proud of!! That is a TON of rock! long has your tank be up? You seem to have the same taste in fish, cuz I have the same Goby you have and I also have a Powder Blue and an Anthias! Later!
  6. blutang

    I turned off my airconditioning

    My sympathy for your will defintely make you more aware of your surroundings now at the very least. Later!
  7. blutang

    Why have I lost my Posts Count

    OUCH!....that sucks....hopefully they get that fixed. Later! Thanks for the info!
  8. blutang

    Why have I lost my Posts Count

    I have noticed that some of my posts in different topics have been deleted....why is that?!
  9. blutang

    Why have I lost my Posts Count

    Yesterday I had like 127 posts today I have 93....whats up with that?
  10. blutang

    Maracyn 2 Rants/Raves?!

    Anyone have any thoughts?
  11. blutang

    Life or death decision....

    Yeah definitely let us know about your sick one. Later!
  12. blutang

    Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't stand SMELL!!!!!!!!!!

    I would strongly suggest a powerhead once again simply because you need that surface aggitation to keep that water moving....the turkey baster thing is also a good idea, so that you filter can get at it and put it into your carbon. Later
  13. blutang

    Life or death decision....

    I just wanted to post this messege and applaud you efforts to be a good person and save an innocent life......its really nice to see that people still care. Later ;)
  14. blutang

    What Type of Star Should I Get?

    Thanks guys I really appreciate all the post....I think I'm either going with a green brittle star or a General Star depending on what my lfs gets first. Thanks again :)
  15. blutang

    Hey MR SALTY!!!!

    Thank you for your help....I greatly appreciate it.
  16. blutang

    What Type of Star Should I Get?

    Is it a hardy star, what color is it?
  17. blutang

    Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't stand SMELL!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm not exactly sure what the smell is but I would Strongly suggest a powerhead for your aquarium for water movement. I would say its probably some type of algae in your tank. Just a guess though.
  18. blutang

    What Type of Star Should I Get?

    Well, This will be my final addition to my tank....its already got its load of fish, now I just want to get something fairly big that will just simply clean the bottom of my tank, that won't eat my Gobies or my Flame Hawk. Suggestions Please!
  19. blutang

    R/O Water

    I really don't think that you need to use R/O water to top off the tank.....I have always used tap water to top off, and I have never had any problems. I'm sure problems would have showed since my tank is sooo much smaller than the one you are filling. Later
  20. blutang

    Pictures on my site
