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  1. javatech

    Newbie tips
  2. javatech

    CS ELECTRO-LITE KIT (2 X 55/65 WATT) and Redsea salt 200gl pail

    Originally posted by LionStorm Hello interested in salt mix, how far are you from Ft Worth TX, 76116? it would cost more than it's worth. email me and i will tell you were i got IO for 32.59 Shipped for a 200 gal pail
  3. javatech

    CS ELECTRO-LITE KIT (2 X 55/65 WATT) and Redsea salt 200gl pail

    Originally posted by coop24n9 How much to ship to Indiana, zip 47905? it would be $10 with the lamps
  4. javatech

    Anyone from Kansas?

    this is a kansas BB they don't sell any thing
  5. javatech

    Help for a Beginner
  6. javatech

    DIY Refugium

    i made a plywood and glass tank but it was only 24" deep if i were you i would get a few of the rubbermaid stock tubs and just link them you could make a stair step stand for them so they flowed in to each other by drilling and putting in...
  7. javatech

    i found a new snail.

    i have a few of the same things some darker some almost white on the glass they look like snails and when you poke them the move fast
  8. javatech

    New And Confused
  9. javatech

    DIY Refugium

    You might want to look at a farm and ranch place the one near me has 1000gal plastic stock tanks they are round and two + feet deep and about 9' around The poly used in these tanks is FDA food grade
  10. javatech

    Empty shells from

    i did mine outside on a camp stove:eek:
  11. javatech

    ro/di unit upkeep costs. and tap water ?'s

    Originally posted by beaslbob At least when I post you know who I am responding too LOL :D True:p :rolleyes: ;)
  12. javatech

    ro/di unit upkeep costs. and tap water ?'s

    sorry that was for beaslbob:D ;)
  13. javatech

    ro/di unit upkeep costs. and tap water ?'s

    Tap water is NOT just fine start out with the best water you can buy or make it's dumb to try to save with the water and you know you don't have to quote every post when you reply;)
  14. javatech

    CS ELECTRO-LITE KIT (2 X 55/65 WATT) and Redsea salt 200gl pail

    i have a extra power compact light kit for sale that was on my ref but i was only using one bulb so it was a waste to have it and not use it all it has two blubs one 50/50 55watt and one 10,000K 65 watt the blubs are 1/2 year old used off and on. This kit comes complete with energy efficient...
  15. javatech

    Kent RO Replacement Parts

    and mr. air water ice
  16. javatech

    protein skimmers

    i took my skimmer off my tank after i had my refugium up and running