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  1. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    one more thing...would it be ok if I got some dad might pick me some up after I test my water.
  2. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    i don't gonna take them back to my dad said it would help the cycle or something...I feel bad because they are so cute. lol...they become so annoying...we have a 90 g and all the damsels are big and still in it... I have 2 questions... 1. Is 80-78*F too room gets...
  3. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

  4. ilovefish2009


    I got a new piece of LR yesterday and one pice has what looks like a small xenia branch...It is really small and hard to take a pic of but it looks like a branch off one of these via photobucket
  5. ilovefish2009

    Odd Tang

    There is a new LFS I have been visiting and it has an odd looking tang...Its grey and darn orange and a bunch of other dark colors. I try and snap a pic with my phone next time.
  6. ilovefish2009


    what clown fish would work in my 29 gallon biocube??? I reallly want maroons. Would that be okay if they were with a small gobie??? or do they need more room???
  7. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    got my cam working day 1 (around march 4/5) now (march 16) yes im damsel cycler more pics soon
  8. ilovefish2009

    Cow fish HELP!!!!

    I feel really dumb because I have not qt...and haven't for years...he looks fine now...the cleaner shrimp keeps picking the stuff of...he's eating/acting fine.
  9. ilovefish2009

    Cow fish HELP!!!!

    Please help...I have noticed that my cowfish had a large white "clump" by his back fin yesterday and the cleaner shrimp cleaned it off...Now today he has spots on/near his left and right fins. I don't have a working camera at the moment but I know its not it...its to big to be ich and its not a...
  10. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    my camera's battery won't chargeI think I need a new one. I try and see if I can get a new cheap 1 for now sorry guys
  11. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    thank you for the idea
  12. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    sorry for not updating but I got the tank and its been running since th 5th of march...I replaced the bioballs with some pads and some chemipure...should I just use some LR rubble or is this ok??? 30lbs of aragonite(sp?) sand only about 7lbs of LR but getting more 2day I will post pics soon
  13. ilovefish2009

    Advice, FO CheckList of potential fish

    I see you have a sea apple (looks like it bottom right of this pic by the fishes tail and it also looks like you have some pesky (sp?) anenomes. Just letting you know if you didn't already...I like your fish though
  14. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    thnk you for the answers...I decided I would get it tom. afternoon. I was just to busy. I will post picks when I get it running. PS One more question: What anems. would work??? thank you
  15. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    1. Will water from my other 90g be okay??? like 5% 2. How long will I have to run it b4 i can put fish/corals in?? 3. What corals can I put in there with the standard lights? Im so excited
  16. ilovefish2009

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    300 bucks...getting it today
  17. ilovefish2009

    swimmer4uus's Nanowave 9 project

    I green hair algae good...I hate it...It was cool at fish but now it is all over
  18. ilovefish2009

    Adding LiveRock Question

    Buffet please stop trying to cause trouble...your calling people bad names and what not.
  19. ilovefish2009

    Bad Aptasia Problem

    why don't we not start fights...and I would like to see a picture of the tank
  20. ilovefish2009

    Light upgrades??

    thanks for the input guys... Ill check that out ps...i love that smily face