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  1. ilovefish2009

    To Good...To Bad???

    Originally Posted by KingSmith iIW0uld sh0p ar0und the light might make it w0rth it if it is a new and g00d brand 0f light but if that filter is all they have then u still have 2 buy r0ck I have some extra rocks in my 90 g that I could use but I'll probably just buy new rocks becuz I have hair...
  2. ilovefish2009

    Scientists find new fish

    the pic and video are fake(not the actual thing)...I want to see a real live pic of it.
  3. ilovefish2009

    To Good...To Bad???

    I have wanted a small 20-30 gallon nano for a while. I posted a wanted add on craigslist and a guy e-mailed me and gave me this offer: Eheim canister (up to 60g) t5 24'' Halide and a 25 gallon tank for 300 dollars... should I take this offer??? Of couse I want to see the stuff first but it...
  4. ilovefish2009

    Light upgrades??

    1 day later....bump
  5. ilovefish2009

    new fish question?

    You should add a gobie imo...watchmen are cool little guys
  6. ilovefish2009

    can a goby be put with a blenny?

    I have a 3 year old 90 gallon with 2 mandrain gobies (both types), a bicolor blenny and an algae blenny. Both blennys are only around 6 mo. The gobies are around a year or so. They all get along... maybe im just lucky
  7. ilovefish2009

    Light upgrades??

  8. ilovefish2009

    Light upgrades??

    Any suggestions???? I have around 300 dolllars I can spend
  9. ilovefish2009

    my girlfreind dropped a bottle of windex in my tank

    that is horrible...what an evil gf
  10. ilovefish2009

    Light upgrades??

    I have a fixture that is holding 3 32w bulbs 48'' long...What could I upgrade to so that I can support corals/anenomes. oh I have a 90g tank...Could I just get better bulbs or do I have to upgrade and get a $$$ new light fixture (which I can't afford)
  11. ilovefish2009

    Fast breathing post water change

    where was the water at before you changed it...If the water was cold it could have "shocked" your fish
  12. ilovefish2009

    Help me!!!!

    I think I found my problem...someone made a thread after about hair algae and someone asked if sun hits the tank...and yes it does for my tank and they also asked if the lights were over 1.5 yrs old and mine are
  13. ilovefish2009

    Help me!!!!

  14. ilovefish2009

    Help me!!!!

    Originally Posted by redsea i have alagae like that i wanna get rid of it! It is so frustrating
  15. ilovefish2009

    Help me!!!!

    ill see if my LFS has any Turbos...but I do have some of this algae that is green while some if brownish yellow...its all over...on my powerhead and every thing you me and my dad thought it was cool when it started growing but now it is out of hand Also my zoos seem to have...
  16. ilovefish2009

    Help me!!!!

    Ok im new to this site...I have heard about it before and decided to visit it... So i have this problem I have a 90g tank with a lot of live rock a filter and a protien skimmer I have a cow fish, some corals, 2 anenomes, a cow fish, 4 damsels, 2 clownfish, a mandrain gobie, a bicolored blennie...