Light upgrades??

I have a fixture that is holding 3 32w bulbs 48'' long...What could I upgrade to so that I can support corals/anenomes. oh I have a 90g tank...Could I just get better bulbs or do I have to upgrade and get a $$$ new light fixture (which I can't afford)


The lights you have will not work with an anemone...sorry, but you definitely will need an upgrade if you want to keep one.....Probably will need an upgrade for most corals too


Best thing to do is to try a used place, or that craigslist that everyone talks about....I really do not know what you can buy with that amount...maybe someone else will chime in and give some advice.


Active Member
reefgeek. they have great products for great prices

if your tank is deeper than 20 inches, i would go for metal halides. if your tank is 20 inches or below, i would go for a nice T5 fixture like the nova extreme pro, it works great on my 75