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  1. prime311


    By similar shape/size I mean for example you cannot keep a Dogface and Stars+Stripes together, they look very similar. Nor should you keep a Valentini with a Toby. Also, keeping 2 of the same species is not a good idea(2 dogface for example). Porc and Dogface should be fine if you had a large...
  2. prime311

    Eel in 150

    I recall Tim(myerst) saying that he housed a Tessy Eel for quite awhile and that it bit him pretty bad. Hes probly your best route for real experience with one.
  3. prime311


    A lot like Tangs, they can usually be kept with other puffers not of similar size and shape.
  4. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Big Lebowski is a great movie, and its about the Dude, but its also well liked by many women, thereby automatically disqualifying it from being a man movie. I have to go back to personal experience here. Most of my friends male and female, loved BIG L and my wife actually owned that movie...
  5. prime311

    Aggressive tank feeding questions

    Also feeding salt water fish fresh water feeders is bad, you absolutely need to get them on a better diet. Which is another prob with the Wolf Eel who will probably take any food before you can entice the angler to go for it.
  6. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Digging yourself a hole, Xmen is a chickflick. And hanging around guys who like it can also be a violation. I wouldn't talk when you named Top Gun as a guy movie, there is more homoeroticism in that movie then in Rocky Horror Picture Show. That is a huge chick...
  7. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Thats funny I've never known any girls that like Xmen so I dunno where you're getting that nor do I ever hear any girl say stuff like 'I'd really love to get Hell Boy for Christmas', those movies are dominated by a male audience if girls watch em its just to make their guy happy. Or maybe you...
  8. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Dazed and Confused And no comic book movies don't count. They are way way to commercialized hence chickified. You are crazy. Batman Begins, Xmen, Dark Knight, Iron Man, Hell Boy, I could go on and on with the great comic book movies that have come out pretty...
  9. prime311

    Yet another clown trigger question....

    I dont think the Clown Trig is good with other fish, but as far as compatilibity goes the list you have there is about as good as youll find for clown trig tank mates. They don't grow all that fast and really its the larger ones established in a tank that are most often the worst. Get a small...
  10. prime311

    Band Name Post

    Originally Posted by shogun323 As far as the utilization of Abandon I think it would sound better if it was, for instance, Abandoned Sun or Abandoned Asylum. I think it's important as others have mentioned for a band name to reflect the style of music. +1
  11. prime311

    is anyone from VERMONT?

    Originally Posted by KingSmith but do they have professional Hockey teams What is this professional hockey thing you speak of?
  12. prime311

    is anyone from VERMONT?

    Ohio has 2 professional football teams.
  13. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Ok how about any comic book movie except for Daredevil, Silverhawk, Electra, Supergirl, and Catwoman. And Old School
  14. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Isn't that the movie with the 2 guys bumping uglies scene? You're thinking of Alexander
  15. prime311

    All Inclusive Man counsel approved movie list

    Fried Green Tomatoes Thelma&Louise The English Patient Top Notch 100%
  16. prime311

    Transformers this

    More then meetz the eye! [url]http://www***
  17. prime311

    Money well spent

    I am so glad that we keep spending billions to bail out companies so they can do ???? with the funds.
  18. prime311

    Compatibility of proposed tank

    I agree on the Puffer-Acrylic thing they bite and bite and bite some more at the tanks sides and would scratch an acrylic tank to hell.
  19. prime311

    Whats a good starfish for a 125 FOWLR

    Do you have to spot feed a general or will they be ok feeding off of scraps around the tank?
  20. prime311

    new humu humu

    Triggers and Puffers are like dogs and cats. They may not like each other but they usually seem to coexist well enough. Unless you got a super violent dog(er trigger). I wouldn't trust the Trigger with Chromis though, that sounds like a meal just waiting to happen :p