Search results

  1. chilidog

    MH lighting?

    How many watts of MH lighting do i need for a 90 gal. reef?I plan on keeping sold corals,Anemones.
  2. chilidog


    I realy need u guys help.MY budget is like 300$ and i need the best lighting posible for that.What is the best and cgeapest lighing for a 90 gal. reef? What are the number of watts i9 need and what corals would i be able to keep with each one of those lights.This will be a big help if u answer...
  3. chilidog

    Lighting Question.

    I need to get some lighting for a 90 gal reef. I was gonna get 260 watts of PC but now people are saying thats not enofe.So i was wondering if VHO lighting is any better.I saw a 440 watt $ bulb Set up for 369 $.Is that a good light for the price? It says its an electronic balast kit and needs a...
  4. chilidog

    OK finaly done w/Stocking list

    yea i will do more research on the butterfly and i was gonna put the basslets in at the same time and see if that works.
  5. chilidog

    Blue Tang

  6. chilidog

    OK finaly done w/Stocking list

    What do ya think.Is this over stocking?my tan is gonna be a 90 gal reef with 90 pounds of LR. 1-Flame Angel 1-Blackcap Basslet 1-Royal Gramma 1-Copperband Butterfly 2-Ocellaris clowns/or 2- true percs (whats better) 1-Firefish 1-Yellow tang(was recomended to get a kole but will this work?) 1-Six...
  7. chilidog

    refguge tancs??

    What exacactly is a fuge. i no its a small tanc but what is its purpose.And how do i make one from a 10 gal tanc?
  8. chilidog

    how much fish per gallon

    Dude i dont even think u can keep a trigger in a 55 gal tanc ..never mind all that.. i thnk thats overstock times 10..and i just started the hobby.
  9. chilidog

    Bangaii Cardinals

    im not an expert but i would only put 2 of them in there.try and get a male and a Female and mabe breed them.I wanna do that in a seperate small tanc.
  10. chilidog

    Blue Tang

    ooo i had it all wrong then .. i was thinking that the fish actualy grew out. Thx for the help bang ur a lot of help.
  11. chilidog

    Yellow vs. blue tang

    i wanted to get a Blue tang but everyone is saing that it will get to big for my 90 gal. reef.So i was wondering if a yellow tang is a good choice?
  12. chilidog

    Show ur 90 gal reefs plz

    I need ideas for a reef set-up for my 90 gal. i would love to see some nice 90 gal reef tancs plz.
  13. chilidog

    new lighting..?

    I was gonna get some basic fluorescent lighting for my 90 gal. reef (only 80 watts),But now i relized i need something more so i am thinking of getting the coralife Aqualight Dual Linear Strip(260 watts).Is this enofe for soft corls?What corals can i not have with this set up???
  14. chilidog

    Blue Tang

    How fast will a Blue tang out grow a 90 gal. reef?
  15. chilidog

    Strong enofe lighting????

    Im make ing a 90 gal. reef and this will be my lighting set up .A twin-tube fluorescent light strip,with coralife actinic blue lamp(40 watts),and a coralife high intensict 20,000k lamp (40 watts).I wanna no what i cant have in my reef with that set up and what is the next best lighting.
  16. chilidog

    new stock list.

    I have been asking questions on the boards about how to stock my tanc heres what i got so far for my 90 gal. reef with 90 pounds of live rock. 1-Flame angel,or coral beaty(whats better?) 1-Blackcap Basslet 1-Royal Gramma 2-Ocellaris Clowns 1-Bangaii Cardenalfish 1-Firefish 1-Copperband...
  17. chilidog

    What are good fish for me?

    I have a 90 gal. tank and i wanna make a reef.I am gonna put 90 pounds of LR in it.How many fish can i have in it and what are some good easy fish to keep.I also plan on haveing shrimps.Also how many corals can i have?..thx for the help.
  18. chilidog

    Can they fit???

    thx reef fool... Anyone else have advise for me?
  19. chilidog

    Can they fit???

    Im building a 90 Gal. reef and i wanna no if i can put all of these fish in it.I plan on putting 90-135 pounds of LR.Heres a list of what i want.Flame Angel,Blackcap Basslet,Royal Gramma,YEllow longnose Butterflyfish,2 Ocellaris Clownfish,Firefish,Yellow watchman Goby,Blue Tang,Six line...
  20. chilidog

    Bang Guy plz read

    Hi im new to the boards and hobby and i saw tons of post regarding ur 900 gal.!!! lagoon. I would love to see a pic of it plz.....thx