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  1. catawaba

    Need help fast

    Do you have any "L" braces you can use in the meantime? Lower the water volume a bit if you can. Every gallon = pressure.
  2. catawaba

    Coral and Live Rock Package For Sale MA Area

    click each link. takes you to same album with same photos of bag of sand, chemicals, etc. Oh, and it's ma'am. Have a good weekend.
  3. catawaba

    Reef Safe Pod eating fish

    Sand sifting goby
  4. catawaba

    another dead fish!!!!

    Take some of your tank water in to your LFS and have it tested for 'everything'. Make sure your test kits are in good condition and are used correctly. Need to increase drip time IMO. And keep the lights off for a day. Are there any chemicals in your tank or treatments that you used in the...
  5. catawaba

    LFS in San Francisco area?

    Rackyrane---you better take a camera; I'll buy the film!!!
  6. catawaba

    Coral and Live Rock Package For Sale MA Area

    Exact same photos are linked in the post last summer. Best wishes. You may want to wholesale it
  7. catawaba

    Complete Reef set up for sale in Florida

    Still no shipping? Interested in the extra 150w bulb.
  8. catawaba

    FS or FT 24" aquastarlight 150 watts

    Thanks Hot. I hope to start a mini frag tank, but don't want to end up with coral soup by the way, I read the K as being 13000
  9. catawaba

    LFS in San Francisco area?

    I don't think she'd mind if I gave it to you--- rackyrane @ cs . com I'm so jealous----I'd like to see the aquarium at Monterey Bay sometime!
  10. catawaba

    Coral and Live Rock Package For Sale MA Area

    Is this the same set up you had for sale last summer?
  11. catawaba

    What kind of crab is this (Picture)

    Looks like it could also be a red mixtrax crab. I'd still put it in the fuge/sump if you can.
  12. catawaba

    LFS in San Francisco area?

    I think Ms DeMartini lives in the bay area..... :cheer:
  13. catawaba

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    Originally Posted by ajwiggz I went to U of Maine at Fort Kent for 4 1/2 in which i earned a BUS in Math and a BS double major in Biology and 2nd Education. Why do you want to explain set theory to me. If you want to know also i took pre calc throught calc 3 modern algebra (where we talked...
  14. catawaba

    A Quick Hola from Spain

    Hola! Me llamo Consuela Como estas? Como se dice 'aquarium' en Espanol?
  15. catawaba

    What is this?

    Have you ever 'touched' them with the end of a tweezer/forcep or other item? Can you see them move? Do they just appear overnight or do they 'grow'?
  16. catawaba

    Aiptasia or good anenome? with picture

    He's had it over 2 weeks as a single entity. It returns to normal in 10 seconds after retracting to touch. Aiptasia take much longer and it would've spread by now. Tentacles are too short/thick in porportion to the base/stalk. Just my opinion. Either way, you can 'inject' it with boiling hot...
  17. catawaba

    What is this?

    Are they 'soft'?
  18. catawaba

    Aiptasia or good anenome? with picture

    photo does not show aiptasia IMO. Structurally quite different.
  19. catawaba

    if you could have one coral???

    blueberry gorgonia
  20. catawaba

    best cleaner of LS

    Just don't get too many sand sifters...eventually they will perish from starvation.