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  1. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    here is another video of the clown fighting deep in the rock work.
  2. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    well i woke up to my xenia hiding in the rocks,seems the turbo snail knocks it going to pick up some glue today and get it mounted for good.the clowns are not killing each other yet,the female wont let the other one out of the corner though.she swims at him as soon as he tries to...
  3. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    so how long should this aggressive fish thing go on?today my gf actually called me at work because she thought the one fish was going to kill the other.the poor guys lip is all messed up and he has some marks on his cheek also.
  4. abaralnek

    Red Sea Max 34 gallon...Diary

    looks sweet man
  5. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i have a #1
  6. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    thanks man..ive been thinking about picking up the hydor flow think i should add another korallia power head or just move the one i already have?
  7. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    here is a video of the fish..
  8. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    i agree.i have plenty of flow in my tank.not only that the pump was cheap..
  9. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    thats what i was thinking.i got the new pump,its working great.much quieter than the first one i received.
  10. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    Originally Posted by redsea nice tank thanks.another thing the fish that is going after the other one is doing something weird.every now and then he will turn onto his side and shake for a second,looks like he is having a seizure.
  11. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    well my clowns are exploring the tank.not a good thing though because 1 of them keeps attacking the other.the one who keeps getting attacked hides in the rock but the other one will find him and chase him out.he has been attacking him all day,is this something they do or should i take the fish out?
  12. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    hey guys!my xeina is looking great,i love it.quick question,as you see the xenia is mounted on the little frag plate or whatever you wanna call it,do i leave it mounted to that permanently?
  13. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    my gf is saying they are boring fish,haha..
  14. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    is it normal for clown fish to sit in the corner of the tank and just swim in the current?mine have been in the same spot since ive got them.
  15. abaralnek

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    its got 3 heads on it but 1 isnt really big at all.
  16. abaralnek

    Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

    can i join?here is my 29g biocube
  17. abaralnek

    29G up and cycling!

    how are those pics coming?
  18. abaralnek

    abaralnek's 29 biocube

    Originally Posted by nissan577 it looks great man! love it! thanks,yours is looking sweet also..
  19. abaralnek

    Cheap Aquascape

    thats some nice creative thinking,good job man..