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  1. jugger

    my 150 gal reef

    those dogs are they do that all day??
  2. jugger

    Experiment, B&W

    thats crazy!!! how do you get the program to see the differerence between the all the picture and just the top of the worm???
  3. jugger

    How much wattage?

    just go with the 250s if heat isnt an issue....its not that much difference in $$$$$....the light will penatate deeper and the coral will grow better...
  4. jugger

    light wattage

    they want to sell you more stuff...why limit the amount of money they can suck out of you
  5. jugger

    gas prices goin up

    1.83 for premium
  6. jugger


    you are right about that....there is alot of things to do here and you can even go golfing one day and Snowmobile the next.... just wish there was more water.....ft collins and the springs are about the same distance from denver just on oposite sides of the state
  7. jugger


    i was wondering....hope you enjoy your stay here
  8. jugger


    Originally posted by rwhite Gonna jump in with the stuff I found out here in Colo. Springs. Got all 3 for $70. I'll post the pics again from the *****. are you in colorado????
  9. jugger

    Easy SPS Corals?

    oh yeah and hydros too
  10. jugger

    Ricordia Shroom Question

    well if its fiji rock then its perty easy to take a sharp knife and cut the rock where the ric is deep is the 37???
  11. jugger

    Ricordia Shroom Question

    is it on a rock you cant move???
  12. jugger

    caught in the act

    that is cute!!! wish my maroon was nice...he hates everyone even me
  13. jugger

    6pack 1st try

    the blue fish in #3 looks 3D
  14. jugger

    Ricordia Shroom Question

    try moving it closer to the top of the tank (37 tall right??) ricordia tend to need more light then regular you have 03 actinics or just "actinics"...i think kip poated a good thread that might benefit your lighting situation with minimal effort
  15. jugger

    MH under a 6" hood

    hummm..... maybe if you have enough fans to cool it....make sure water cant splash on it
  16. jugger

    pic attempt

    nice trigger!!!! wish i could have one in a reef...their so cool
  17. jugger

    Easy SPS Corals?

    after the tank is mature i would suggest digitatas or green slimmer
  18. jugger

    Monday Night 6-pack

    nice pics!!!! damn #1 is colorful
  19. jugger

    Let's see some Monti. Caps

  20. jugger

    post all your zoo pics
