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  1. jugger

    Camera Suggestions......

    sony 717
  2. jugger

    250w MH over a 20 gallon?

    yes it is!!!! i dont plan on doing is for about another month or 2 so if you do this before then please post an update on how things went...thanks do you plan on keeping the PCs in there with the MH???
  3. jugger

    250w MH over a 20 gallon?

    damn just saw your thread after i posting mine and your is almost the same question
  4. jugger

    Will i fry my coral with this amount of light???

    as of right now i have a 20 gallon high with 202 watts of PCs (my first tank of any kind setup since ~6-1-03) if you look at the picture below you can see there are softies mid-way to top of the tank (i cant move them).... now for the you think the softies can adapt to a 250 watt...
  5. jugger

    MH ? on 75g

    Originally posted by sailfin Do you have to be part of a "click" to get some help around here? How can I get started with no responses? :confused: iv never noticed any "click"
  6. jugger

    just 2 cool actinic shots

    they are cool...damn the plate is intense
  7. jugger

    How often do you wipe down the inside of your tank?

    Originally posted by Bang Guy I've got one of those old generators that spin against a bicycle tire to power the headlight. Will that work?? :confused: LOL youd have to peddle your A$$
  8. jugger

    ATTN: Bang Guy = 10,000

    i cant wait for the pics...please take some as you progress
  9. jugger

    How often do you wipe down the inside of your tank?

    he is right about realigning of the dipoles but more than likey it will make it weeker unless the magents are really can however build a power supply to deliver ~5k amps over a coiled inductor with the magnets inside...this should create stronge enough of a magnet field to realign a...
  10. jugger

    ATTN: Bang Guy = 10,000

    congrads!!!! holly crap thats alot good info you have given out...thanks for all your help
  11. jugger

    How often do you wipe down the inside of your tank?

    come on bang only 8 more posts!!!!!!!!!! you can do it...
  12. jugger

    introducing more needed ASAP (please)

    i agree its not a big change.... but to be on the safe side i might cut the time down a tad and slowly increase it....and yeah you will see alittle more algae and maybe even some cyno or diatoms
  13. jugger

    How often do you wipe down the inside of your tank?

    once every two days
  14. jugger

    New pics of My 54G

    he looks healthy...good job
  15. jugger

    MH ? on 75g

    Originally posted by attml I Third the 250s DE = Double Ended bulbs They are twice as bright as standard mogul style MH bulbs and they last longer! Very nice! yes sir....thats what i ment...sorry for any confusion
  16. jugger

    250 or 400?

    for the same price i would go wiht the 400s on a deep 175 bow....just watch the heat
  17. jugger

    New pics of My 54G

    looks great!!! got to love the corners....damn that leather looks huge!!!! how big is he???
  18. jugger

    MH ? on 75g

    yeah go with the dual 250s and for more light and PAR get the DEs...
  19. jugger

    MH over 110 rr

    Originally posted by Bang Guy If you keep the Clam up high on the rock under the MH bulb then it will work. The 250's are not very much more and the bulb choices are far greater. I'd recommend the 250's... Bang I will thank yourself later on
  20. jugger

    just trying pic thing

    nice #2 a star fish??? if so hes cool