Search results

  1. joebob7

    Can I get this cute 2 gallon tank?

    a 2 gallon nano cube?!? well i have a 3 gallon coral tank and it isnt much different from a bigger tank except that you need to keep the water levels up almost every other day.
  2. joebob7

    comments on your Live Fish Store

    To answer your question about art and books in the store. At my LFS they have a few posters that show the kinds of fish but i think they do that at just about every store. I really think a $10 frag tank would be great because I would rather spend $50 for a few different frags than for one big...
  3. joebob7

    The Sixty

    WOW that tank looks great really like the zoos too
  4. joebob7

    want a dragonnet

    if you have a 125g tank i think that is enough rock with pods to support a dragonet. Yu might want to wait until the pods population has grown before you bring one in. You could also supplement the population with a few bottles of pods in your fuge so they can repopulate in peace.
  5. joebob7


    when i want some zoa frags i usually let them grow out but my secret is that i let the zoa grow on the sandbed because the zoas start growing onto the sandbed. When they do this the new zoas are hanging off of the rock an its a lot easier to just cut them off.
  6. joebob7

    Gharner's Pico Reef Journal

    i had a lot of algae in one of my tanks and i just took a toothbrush and scraped the algae off of everything then i went through and siphoned off all the algae pieces i had to do this twice to get rid of all the algae the white sand would look good if you decide to do it a background would look...
  7. joebob7

    Enough Room?

    i tried to put a clown goby in my 3 gallon he didnt last 3 days im still not sure of what happened but i would stay away from fish in a tank that small i would reccomend a group of sexy shrimp or some other shrimp though
  8. joebob7

    Eclipse 3 (3 gallons)

    here are a few pics of my 3 gallon
  9. joebob7

    Eclipse 3 (3 gallons)

    i have a 3 gallon JBJ picotope I'll try to take some updated pics tommorrow i really like my nano and it really isnt as hard to keep as people say they are.
  10. joebob7

    could this work?

    hehe i just have to say this forums BURN!!!!
  11. joebob7

    ending womens suffrage prank! this is pretty sad to watch
  12. joebob7

    FS: Baby Blueleg Hermit Crabs

    Where do you get the hermits? Do you just snorkel around and find them?
  13. joebob7

    Funny commercials

    How about a thread where people post their favorite commercials? Here are 2 of my favorites. any others?
  14. joebob7

    Bad News

    I think that our hobby is given a bad rep because of these things. But really like the article says, we only take a tiny percentage of corals compared to the many that are killed by pollution and global warming. Maybe blaming the dead coral reefs on people like us is just trying to hide the...
  15. joebob7

    Best movie quote ever

    i cant believe noone has posted this one yet! “You've got to ask yourself one question, 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?” yay for Clint Eastwood
  16. joebob7

    i need a pico tank

    yep the JBJs are great i have one that is doing great
  17. joebob7

    Copepod Farm?

    I remember reading about a guy who wanted to supplement his dragonet's food supply and he bought a bottle of pods online and put them in a 2litre bottle with some chaeto, LS and LR. I believe it was near a window o that the sunlight would make sure the pods had enough food.
  18. joebob7

    What type of LIVE Rocks?

    1. Cured rock is just less dead than uncured. If you are going to be buying rock from your LFS then you shouldnt have to worry about it being cured or not. 2. For a smaller tank just make sure you get smaller pieces of rock (so you can make cooler caves and rock shapes. I really dont think...
  19. joebob7

    Favorite Mini Series

    I loved Band of Brothers, a friend of mine has the whole series so ive seen all the episodes. If you really like it you should check out The Biggest Brother by Larry Alexander its about ---- Winters who lead Easy Company its pretty good
  20. joebob7

    Anyone have a 2.5 Gallon?

    i have a 3 gallon picotope by JBJ it has 3 hermits 3 margarita snails(i think) and a bunch of corals i want to get some sexy shrimp for it though here is an old picture of it i can get some newer pictures soon