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  1. goober_hunter

    SWF, youtube vid of frog fish..

    downtown lakeland. florida avenue (37). if your coming to lakeland down 98, you stay on 98 go over 92 then 98 turns, but you keep going straight and its about 2 miles down on the right. they have a nice peacock mantis about 5-6 inches for 5 dollars.
  2. goober_hunter

    corals for sale

    you still got the zoas in pic one????
  3. goober_hunter

    SWF, youtube vid of frog fish..

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius That was cool. I like that Lyretail Grouper. Very tempting. hey have you check out that new LFS here in lakeland yet studio aquatics?? nice to have some new corals to look at...
  4. goober_hunter

    SWF, youtube vid of frog fish..

    pretty cool, didnt know if anyone else noticed. it in the eye it buy it selection right now of the frog fish.. nice music toooooo.
  5. goober_hunter

    thanks to everyone on here that helped me

    thanks, took some time not having tons of money to be able to dump into it. still coming along though
  6. goober_hunter

    cherub angel.

    i had one , did fine with my corals , except with purple fan. i loved that fish, the "click" got him. fast, exploring, fun fish.
  7. goober_hunter

    thanks to everyone on here that helped me

    its a 55 g. yeah it a elephant ear shroom. that what i was told. grow really fast.
  8. goober_hunter

    thanks to everyone on here that helped me

    some more pics
  9. goober_hunter

    thanks to everyone on here that helped me

    just wanted to show off the my tank that alot of people on here helped me with. everyone on here has been very helpful. i have been on this site since the start of my first tank, which is this one. again thanks for your help every one. josh
  10. goober_hunter

    SWF Football pool

    cant wait. lets get it on.....
  11. goober_hunter

    Week 6

    no one cares about the cowboys.. but the bucs on the other hand. lol, they had a great game over the panthers. iam glad they were ablw to get over the lost from last week.
  12. goober_hunter

    id these zoas.

    any body... bump de bump.
  13. goober_hunter

    1 year old tank but no copepods??

    i just put a 50 gal HOB filter on. bigger the better. i keep poly pad as well but were the water is returned to the tank. might be best to buy some off here and jump start your population. just a suggestion.
  14. goober_hunter

    The Unit

    great show. i wish it was still on tuesdays. iam kinda upset they killed off the the guy last season.
  15. goober_hunter

    forgot to turn my mantis tank now hes dead

    thats a bummer, sorry to hear that.
  16. goober_hunter


    +4 lol, it would be nice. but good luck.
  17. goober_hunter

    forgot to turn my mantis tank now hes dead

    +1 to molting, are you sure??
  18. goober_hunter

    sump question

    is there a ratio to the size of tubing for intake and outake for a sump to work properly. how do you know what size ruturn to put in with different size supply pumps?? thanks.
  19. goober_hunter

    1 year old tank but no copepods??

    i have a 55 gal, and when i had my scooter blenney i hardly saw any. now that he has passed away, i have hundreds. what i did to help, because i dont have room for a fuge under the tank , i took a HOB filter and took out all the filters and put rubble rock and shells in there, with no lighting...