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  1. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff If the people at Sandy Hook had the opportunity to have a gun they would have been on equal ground and had a chance to stop the shooter. What you fail to acknowledge is it's already illegal to shoot somebody unless they are a threat to your life. Criminals...
  2. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Here is the problem most anti assault or anti handgun people don't get. To curb the Murder rate with these weapons you have to change the constitution and ban all of them. Do that and you will affect these statistics in a large manner. Until that point...
  3. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW The musket was initially designed for the sole purpose of a military weapon. So we can strike the rest of this point. Please. If that's not the weakest excuse I've ever heard to justify owning an assault weapon, I don't know what is. You actually want...
  4. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Is somebody less dead if they are killed by a Louisville Slugger instead of a Ruger? Lame argument. Do you know what the most common weapon used in assaults is? A club. Number 2 is a knife. In fact more people are killed with clubs than rifles and...
  5. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy Sorry, I was only referring to your definition. If you look at the government's definition it's basically any firearm that looks scary with no factual basis. At least you actually have some logical reasoning behind you definition and that's a heck of a...
  6. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Larger capacity mags or drums can be made for just about any gun. What is it about these so called "military grade" weapons that they are somehow special in anyway that only they are designed for larger mags? You simply make a larger mag for any gun. There...
  7. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff So it's ok for someone to be killed with anything but a gun. You need help LOL! It's not OK to be killed needlessly by anything. The difference is when someone does die by getting shot, it was because that's was it's sole intention to do so. Of the...
  8. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy So if you have a semi-auto weapon where there are no available magazines that hold more than 30 rounds it's not an assault weapon but as soon as someone in Italy develops a magazine for it that hold more than 30 rounds your weapon instantly becomes an...
  9. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Wait, so we have a product that has never been misused but in your paranoid little mind we should ban them? More people are killed in cars and swimming pools each year than by guns so, Perhaps we should ban small rolling coffin cars and require all...
  10. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW what classifies as an assault weapon? My definition is any firearm that has semi-automatic capability that can hold a magazine larger than 30 rounds. In most cases, these same firearms can be converted to full auto capability whether it's legal to do so...
  11. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW what classifies as an assault weapon? My definition is any semi-automatic firearm capable of holding 30 rounds or more. In most cases, these same firearms have the capability of being converted to full-auto regardless if it's legal to do so. Here's...
  12. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW what classifies as an assault weapon? My definition is any firearm that has semi-automatic capability that can hold a magazine larger than 30 rounds. In most cases, these same firearms can be converted to full auto capability whether it's legal to do so...
  13. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Disaster averted here, but please tell me how a 17 year old kid could amass these items for his planned reenactment of Columbine? LaDue, who is charged with attempted murder and explosives in connection with the alleged plot, amassed a frightening arsenal over a nine-month period, including an...
  14. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Ok, so lets say we ban the assault weapon. And mass shootings continue (as they did during the ban) What then? The Federal Assault Weapons Ban was a joke. The only firearms that fit the description of "assault weapon" in that ban, had to fit the...
  15. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff If they have been available for years (which they have in other forms such as the hell fire) why is it they haven't been reported used in any crimes if they are such a bad thing? I can modify a flare and propane bottle into something a lot more lethal, are...
  16. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW First off, WTH are you talking about? Try something inventive? Its called google? Did you fall down and hit your head? Your original comment was on the 100 round drum. As a "Gun Nut" I explained the downside to firing one of those things in conjunction...
  17. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Ok mister smarty pants! May I call you that? Doesn't matter. I was gonna ignore your 9mm comment but here we go. Which model Taurus 9mm do you own? Yes they make AFTERMARKET magazines that hold less. But NO gun manufacturer includes TWO magazines of...
  18. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW You need distances over 15 yards for home defense? It's approximately 60 feet from where I enter my bedroom to my front door. Considering my home sits on over 5 acres, I would say that would be an accurate statement.
  19. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Not to mention MOST AR-15 barrels would warp putting that much heat through them that fast. Brother. You claim to own one of these firearms, and you don't even know the "accessories" you can add to them? This guy almost emptied his 100-round drum in...
  20. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW So you are saying poor people are more prone to commit murder with a gun. We dont need more gun laws, just move the poor people away? Statistics show that as factual. Cities with the highest rate of low income and minorities are prone to more criminal...