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  1. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Typical over reaction to a simple question. I've come to expect nothing less. There is no plausible argument for stories like this. Just more senselessness. But you seem to like those types of stories. Still not going to get you anywhere on your anti gun...
  2. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Charge the parents with what ever you can think of. Anyone who leaves guns in open areas to kids and public is not responsible. Two peoe in this world have the combo to my safe. Me and my wife. Under Texas law, if a child under 17 years of age gains...
  3. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Yep, pretty normal. Bionic, lived in San Antonio. Any relation? Glad you think that type of violence is considered normal here in Texas. Pretty much tells me the kind of neighborhood you live in there in that trash city by the bay. Couldn't tell you...
  4. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW There you go again. Republicans this republicans that. Once again ignoring that democrats do the same thing. Same thing has happenned in new mexico. Except done by democrats. As to voter id. Nice to know you support fraud. Fraud? LMFAO. Please show...
  5. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff ROFLMAO! So the fact he began his tax evasion before 0bama was elected somehow makes it no big deal? ROFLMAO. No it doesn't. But your Obama Hatin' Tea Bagger spin trying to make it look like Obama condoned his actions is laughable at best. I see you keep...
  6. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW If you support LAW then the blm was outside its operating parameters. This should have been handled adminstratively and judicially. That is what the blm is doing now. Showing up in force without following the lawful procedures in place FIRST created this...
  7. aggiealum

    Great time to be in public schools in San Antonio

    My cousin called me tonight about a SCARE (this one does apply Darth) at her daughter's high school today. Seems some 17 year old kid decided to bring two handguns and some knives to school in his back pack, and hid an AK-47 in a bathroom before going to class. His parents woke up and saw he...
  8. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff I was already aware of his tax issues, Next diversion... :LOL! Did you forget to mention this "tax trouble" occurred back in May, 2008 before Obama was even in office? And Dubya...
  9. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Oooh, what a well reasoned comeback LOL! Had to come back with something you could understand at your mentality level....
  10. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff So it's cool for someone who's arguing the amount of taxes they are cheating on to be invited to the white house. This is better than Comedy Central. Brother. I didn't even look up these tax allegations about Sharpton. Did you? Of course not. Quill...
  11. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff You are full of pure crap. Democrats controlled the US house for better than 40 years, until the 1990's through the Gerrymandering process. Typical left winger. You crap little green apples though your wadded panties when the other side stats taking...
  12. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Sounds very similar to when democrats redrew the districts in the nineties for Texas. This enabled democrats to win And retain over 70% of the seats in Texas legislature. I know history also. Do i get another cookie? Redistricting has been a tactic used...
  13. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW How exactly did the militia take the law into their hands? Showing up armed to the hilt just wanting a confrontation with the FBI. If they wouldn't have shown up, do you think the DOI would've given him his cows back?
  14. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills So Al Shaprton, owes a reported $2+ million in back taxes but he gets invitations to the white house. When are we going to send the dogs out after him? Has he been convicted of that crime, tried, and prosecuted, or is he still deliberating with the IRS to...
  15. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW To scare or intimidate are the same thing. in·tim·i·date inˈtimiˌdāt/ verb 1. frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants. You know how to look up word definitions. You win a cookie.
  16. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?
  17. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff Republicans and their Gerrymandering? The stupid, it hurts!!! You're obviously clueless to Texas politics since Nixon was in office. I can't help you if you're blinded by ignorance drinking that Conservative Kool-Aide of yours.
  18. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff So as Darth Pointed out if you apologize for being a racist it's OK to be a racist? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. And it wasn't Reagan, Bush one or two or Clinton at the helm when the Gestapo like tactics were employed to try to collect what Bundy owes...
  19. aggiealum

    Which Picture is Scary To You?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW You asked which is more intimidating. That is all. two people with billy clubs is just as intimidating as a man stretched out with a rifle pointed the opposite direction from the photographer. If you wanted to have a philosophical debate about the...
  20. aggiealum

    Explain why I should take this seriously?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff So in light of your opinion on Bundy we can assume you also consider the person who said "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" and the one who said "Obama, as a black...