I have 2 percs, 2 fire fish gobys, a lmb, my 10 year old son, was surfinf swf.com and likes the chaulk basslets, would there be a problem if I get any?
my lfs told me I feeding my bubble tip anemone will encourage it eat other fish, that I should let feed on the stuff floating in the water. Is this true or just bad advise
Everything I bought from my lfs has died with the exception of hermit crabs everything I bought from swf.com is doing great. I will not buy from my lfs again.
I got a power head 300 gph and I bought a coral life actinic fluorescent light for now I'm checking into new light kits, I'll try the raw shrimp, can I use thawed frozen food I use for the fish?
my wife surprise me yestreday with a bubble anemone she got for our anniversary by the time I got home she already had it in the tank, I'm not set up for anemones I don't have a powerhead or the right lights or what to feed it, I can use any suggestions.
readng this should answer alot of your questions
Originally posted by Tizzo
Yeah that, this is a VERY detailed thread by 007,