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  1. sailfin

    Nitrate Problem

    Algone is goooood stuff. It will help remove what is there, but it is up to you to keep it down. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  2. sailfin

    pineapple things growing??????

    They are q-tip sponges. Mine come and go. Sorry I don't have a pic, but I am sure you can search here for one. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  3. sailfin

    one more fish?

    I don't think I would try it either with the fish that are already there. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  4. sailfin

    Sandsifting Starfish Question

    I think you would benefit more from some nassarius snails. If you want a starfish go for the serpent star. JMO. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  5. sailfin

    Can I add one more fish

    What is your current nitrate level? If it is low then I wouldn't see a problem adding a small goby. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  6. sailfin

    kole tang PICS!

    That is a good point, skirrby. Please keep an eye on nitrates. With that many you need a good skimmer. If you see the nitrates go above 10-20 please remove some of those. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  7. sailfin

    kole tang PICS!

    How long has it been in there? It sometimes takes up to three or four days before they begin to eat. Keep a reefin':happyfish
  8. sailfin

    Ordered LR From This Site

    Have you gotten your rock yet? I would love to see some pics of rock from this site. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  9. sailfin

    Pinktail Trigger and Reef

    Originally posted by floorguy ...are blue cheek ones the same as blue throat triggers(Xanthichthys auromarginatus) thanks Yes they are. And they are beautiful. Be sure you get a male. The females are considered the uglier of the two. If your tank is large enough, 125+, you could get a...
  10. sailfin

    Got my first order!

    Agreed....I am glad you had a good experience as I did.
  11. sailfin

    Reef safe triggers

    Funny you should ask. I just added a pinktail trigger to my 75g reef tank. Do a search under my name and you will find my thread. Bluejaw and pinktails are the only two that I am aware of. They'll both do fine in a 75g min. tank. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  12. sailfin


    It is a good idea to feed your tank something. As long as you don't over feed it will actually help your corals in the long term.
  13. sailfin

    ID Please

    Thanks for the clarification. :nervous: I guess I should really start reading the names of those who post. Sorry. Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  14. sailfin

    ID Please

    Originally posted by Friction32 Thanks Bang.....I will try to get a close up shot saturday....and yes that is a LawnMower Blennie completely harmless.....he is great to watch...has his own personality. BTW Bang can sponges be rubber feeling and firm?? Feels kinda like one of those little rubber...
  15. sailfin

    ID Please

    It looks like a lawnmower blennie?? All they eat is algae and veggie stuff. They can nip at clam mantles though.
  16. sailfin

    Pinktail Trigger and Reef

    Thanks again for all of the nice comments guys. Larrynews - I have the following in with the pinktail: 2 green chromis sixline wrasse blood fire shrimp serpent star scarlet hermits various snails green brain GSP's zoos I am trying to keep a low biolaod. So the fish listed are all the fish I...
  17. sailfin

    Pinktail Trigger and Reef

    Originally posted by Darknes Awesome pictures!! Looks like your tank is doing quite well. That's also a nice looking fish, did it cost you a lot?? Thanks. The fish was a steal, at least compared to LFS prices around here in TN. $52.00 and it is considered large. Approximately 6" in length...
  18. sailfin

    setting up new tank,what are your experiences buying fish on line?

    I have not had one fish that I purchased online die. That is a better success rate than with the LFS'. I feel that the online guys flat out take better care of the items they have. Most LFS around here get their fish straight from the ocean. Survival rate is really low. Just my $0.02. BTW...
  19. sailfin

    Pinktail Trigger and Reef

    Bump for some more comments.
  20. sailfin

    Pinktail Trigger and Reef

    Originally posted by bergamer it was my understanding that trigger fish were not reef tank compatable and they would kill the corals, but he sure does look nice Pinktails and bluecheeks are considered "reefsafe". I do worry about him eating my hermits though.