Search results

  1. sailfin

    Blackspot, Zebra Angelfish?

    Has anyone ever keept one of these?? We are currently trying to find a centerpiece fish for our reef tank. Just curious if anybody has any experience.
  2. sailfin

    My first pics, be kind

    Very nice!!:yes:
  3. sailfin

    How do I know if my snails are dead?

    Originally posted by sw65galma How long have you had your fish? Over a year. Why do you ask??
  4. sailfin

    Fish ideas

    I have a suggestion of what you might want to consider when adding your next fish. If that clown, for sure, killed your other fish I would do the following. Isolate the clown you have in there now. Rearrange the LR. Add both the new fish and your clown back into the system. This disturbs...
  5. sailfin

    How do I know if my snails are dead?

    How you acclimated was fine. It does not take 6hrs to acclimate a brittle starfish. If you take a snail out of the take and you are still standing you know that it is not dead. If you wake up hrs later then the snail has died. I acclimate all my fish the way you have mentioned and I have not...
  6. sailfin

    6 FT METAL HALIDE Hood in TN for sale

    Originally posted by Pet Lover :confused: Hey sailfin, I sent 16 pictures and 10 came back ???? Any idea why ? Is your box full ? Caryn Probably...stupid MSN/Hotmail account. I got a lot of pics of the ballasts, but of the hood. Sorry.. :)
  7. sailfin

    92 gallon reef ready corner tank

    How much for the blood red shrimp?
  8. sailfin

    6 FT METAL HALIDE Hood in TN for sale

    Send some pics my way. I am in Cleveland, TN.
  9. sailfin


    Thanks for all of the info thus far. Can anybody answer the fish eating question?
  10. sailfin


    I see on this website that these are difficult to keep. My lfs got one in and it looks very unique and intriguing. Has anyone had any experience with these guys? If so, what are the difficulties in keeping one? Thanks.... Keep a reefin' :happyfish
  11. sailfin

    Metal Halide and clam requirements?

    If you are in the buying stages and money isn't an object get the MH's. Check around. I have seen many tanks with all different clams w/o MH's. They are doing fine also. There's another forum you may want to check out. E-mail me at
  12. sailfin

    just got my first clam!

    Wow!!! Did you get that off the internet? I can't find a LFS around here that carries Deresa clams.
  13. sailfin

    Removal of Bio-Balls???

    This one is simple. I have a wet/dry and would like to remove the nitrate factory. I know that I should remove them slowly, but what do I put in their place? Any "good" advice is welcomed. :help:
  14. sailfin

    Why don't some zoo's seem to like my tank?

    I had the same problem. Mine were wild caught. Maybe there is a connection there? :notsure: The little things just dissappeared.
  15. sailfin


    Originally posted by Squidd Nope...:nope: Won't work... Wrong spectrum and too much heat... Keep looking...:yes: Agreed :yes:
  16. sailfin

    What is this?

    Originally posted by Magic_Carp AMphipod..... You might want to give reference as to where you got that photo. Give credit where credit is due.
  17. sailfin

    question on new coralife aqualight pro lights

    Originally posted by FLATZBOY They are cheaply made and don't last long. And you are the expert why? A little more detail please. I had one of their PC lights for a while and loved it. It is nice to have something in an all-in-one unit. From what I have read it seems that you can control...
  18. sailfin

    Sand questions...quick response would be great!

    I agree with most of the advise so far. Here is what I did and would do again: 1. Added "good" water premixed with salt at the right salinity (filled tank and sump). 2. Added heater to system. Check salinity to ensure temperature didn't change it. 3. Added dead sand. 4. Added LS. 5. Added...
  19. sailfin

    Product: Algone

    FYI, it is not really a chemical. More like a subtance that attracts the baddies, like phosphates, nitrates, etc.... :joy:
  20. sailfin

    Product: Algone

    I only used them right after the cycle to help lower my nitrates. It did help some, but I think if one could set up a refugium it would be better.