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  1. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    at the risk of sounding unintelligent what is a PM? I love listening to a good audio book and takiung care of my tanks. Though I always seem to have one problem or another. Still doing the learning thing.
  2. halamaya

    Single white female looking for fertile male companion.

    ha didn't even notice the eggs last night.
  3. halamaya

    Single white female looking for fertile male companion.

    lol, I think I'm lost
  4. halamaya

    My new peacock mantis

    Beautiful but I wouldn't want to get to personal with one of those guys!!
  5. halamaya

    Got a Cherry Red Acan today :)

    They have some good sized tentacles to catch food. I spot feed mine two or tree times a week, hungry little guys. Still quite new, maybe he's being deffensive. Very nice looking!
  6. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    May I ask what price range should I be looking for? You have an incredible amount of awesome stuff!!! I have two 55 gal tanks and a 10 gal and a 40 gal fresh water tank. Its a lot of work, need to cook a lot of steaks to pay for it!!
  7. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    this one is pretty sweet, theres all kinds though. Weedy Scorpionfish, don't know a lot about them yet.
  8. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    rhinopious is what I want to replace my lost Leaf fish I think I lost him because of a spike in Nitrates. Came home and my Chocolate chip star was digesting his tail while he was still alive. quarantined him and he died the next day. I think it was the nitrates anyhow; they had always been...
  9. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    His head is massive compared to the rest of him. He changes shades to suit his hiding spot. Getting darker or lighter, sometimes really purple. Ias told he was in the same family as Scorpion fish.
  10. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    he wouldn't let me clean the glass infront of his nose!
  11. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    hard work for first time stuff
  12. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    wow that was sort of irritating this poicture is kind of old going to go try and take a new one.
  13. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

  14. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    yeah hes closer almost got my camera all set old picture on the way
  15. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    where the ^&%$ did my camera go!!!
  16. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    thats him alright well sort of mine has more of a pure white face, and it seeems more flat like a wasp.
  17. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    Just got my new computer on Black Friday. He's a Red Rooster wasp fish, with a mohawk like Bart and a white face that looks exactly like a wasp. A small guppie or ghost shrimp will dart underneath a small rock hiding from bigger prey. Just to find there's a little guy in waiting. Worried...
  18. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    I've tried scallops, shrimp from the grocery store (should I take the shell off?) some kind of fish. It's really only my Puffer, Sculpin, Plesiops and sometimes my eel that are fussy. Sculpin is uninterested in the feeding prong, and if my acting is good enough sometimes my PLesiops with give...
  19. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    Ghost shrimp loaded with marine flakes no good either? I also feed quite a bit of mysis shrimp, sometimes blood worms.. I knew the krill were defficient in necessary vitamins so I soaked them in selcon and I use a brightwells vita-c in my tanks. What should I feed, I do the clams on the half...
  20. halamaya

    55 gal Ideas?

    I'm on the third floor anything bigger might not work do well. 55 is a good size but anything above a med size fish is a no go.