Search results

  1. halamaya

    Derasa Clams

    I bought a 2.5 inch derasa from my lfs (they don't keep the derasa or sasquamosa clams undertheir halides) I put it in my 10 gal tank under 65 watts compacts flourescents. Give it Dt's couple times a week now about 3.5 inches. Going to be moved to my 55 gal tank in a year or so, lol. Do...
  2. halamaya

    Does Chaeto Really Remove Nitrates?

    I got a hang on refugium and the thing works great lowered my nitrates by about 20 ppm. Rarely go above 10 - 20 ppm. I like to double up on the Purigen filter bags. With plenty of sand and rock, and a nice skimmer (bak-pak, with the bio bale.) Doing water change tomorrow too.
  3. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    My puffer won't get very big, anythings possible with the Trigger. My Sculpin is the one thing I can't get to eat frozen or freeze dried something. Most everything eats freeze dried krill, ghost shrimp are fun to watch (kind of feel bad.) Really trying to keep my snowflake from tasting live...
  4. halamaya

    Keeping Frogfish

    I have tried twice and failed twice to keep a frogfish alive. Both times I believe they died from eatting Tuffies. I usually feed ghost shrimp, but once in awhile I and the pet store run out. I know that frogfish are very easy to over feed. Currently in my tank, Snowflake eel, fuzzy dwarf...
  5. halamaya

    New fish time

    what about a venemous fish like a lion fish. Always liked the Marine Bettas and they get quite large. I only have a Snowflake and as long as I keep him well fed (everyday) he doesn't go hunting for my fish, so far.
  6. halamaya

    KH question

    I was using Kent products switched to Brightwells two part solution. very easy and it buffers your ph, kh, calcium , and magnesium. Highly recommend it.
  7. halamaya

    Who's keeping Anthias??

    i really wante a Sunburst Anthias and a Ventrolis Anthias. The Sunburst were just too timid lost two of them very sad. First one got sick fought the ich for a month then lost her. Second one died with no signs of physical stress. Kole Tang, Coral Beauty, false percula, black ocellaris, green...
  8. halamaya

    modern warfare 2

    unlocking achievements. I got it on ps3 never played single player, always killing people online. Wish they would just call them the way they should 1,2,3,4,5 and t his one is actually 6 not modern warfare 2. lol
  9. halamaya

    Suggestions for a 46 gal office fish only tank

    tried to do a bare bottom thought i could clean it easier and well i was trying nopt to spend money. Did not work at all, really need the sand. 60 lbs if your filter isn't any good.
  10. halamaya

    Naughty Peppermint shrimp?

    i've seen giant peppermint shrimp at the LFS and they were bigger than a large fire shrimp.
  11. halamaya

    Seriously? Has anyone seen this video??

    didn't listen that far
  12. halamaya

    Looking for a green fish

    green target dragonet, very cool just have to make sure he has enough copepods to eat. My LFS sells them and they populate my tank very well but I have a 55 gal. with a hang-on refugium. Also add your Angel in last and watch him closely with your corals. Some of the other dwarf angels are a...
  13. halamaya

    Suggestions for a 46 gal office fish only tank

    Sooo many cool fish. Purple Firefish, Yellow Assesar, neon cleaner gobies (blue and yellow,) Green clown Goby (nice Christmas colors,) red headed blue sided fairy wrasse, target dragonet (not for atleast 6 months though,) dwarf angel (should be added close to last,) Anthias if you have enough...
  14. halamaya


    I have a stubborn scullpin, and Red Rooster Wasp fish that refuse anything but life stuff. My pet store ran out of ghost shrimp for a couple weeks (not usual) so I broke down and bought some guppies. My Bursa Trigger only about 4 inches right now, tore through them like a lawn mower. Very...
  15. halamaya

    Chemical War in my tank!

    My anenome shrinks when he's moving around. Atleast he stays on the same rock, so I can move hime if I need too.
  16. halamaya

    What is your worst experience at your LFS?

    not really a horror story but here in Burlington there is only one lfs left that has salt water. Good thing they are locally owned and run by good people that have been there for years and years.
  17. halamaya

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    maybe try moving him to an area with more water flow. Trachlophyllia's (sorry for the spelling to lazy to check it) always seem to give me troubles in my 55 gal tank.
  18. halamaya

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    I was thinking about your plate coral, I have a pink tip Long tentacle plate coral in my 10. I don't have a clown fish though, have you seen yor clown bothering your plate coral at all? That would make him stay tucked in. Finally one of my anenome crabs (bought two) is hanging out in the...
  19. halamaya

    Katsafado's first ever 10g SW tank(nano)

    This thread is great unbelievably long! Feel like I know you guys already. I have a 10 gal reef tank also. I love the small tanks, it's like micro machines.
  20. halamaya

    Hello Cranberry

    I'll ask my man at the LFS. He had just written the name down on the side of the tank for me at the LFS. He might know, he seems to know everything else. My Plesiops is very aggressive, anything smaller than him is in trouble. It was the first time I had ever seen one there or anywhere.