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  1. halamaya

    Derasa not feeding

    I just received a Derasa about almost a week ago and it wasn't until today that he opened it up a bit more freely. I have read to not squirt him directly also and have yet to put anything in the tank to feed him other then my 327 watts on my 55 (which I hope is going to be enough, LFS told me...
  2. halamaya

    Is it too soon for a rose bud anemone?

    I plan on waiting much to my dismay. I have a 6 line wrasse, Percula clownfish, Randal's shrimp goby and Michaels shrimp. Wish me luck, and thanks for the help. Do I enough light though?
  3. halamaya

    Is it too soon for a rose bud anemone?

    I would like to get a Rose Bud Anemone but it has only been 5 weeks since I started my 55 gallon tank. I have 337 watts of 50/50 reef lights all my tests seem to be good so far. Should I wait the extra few month's?
  4. halamaya

    Want a dwarf ANGEL

    How its always 50/50. Some people have no problems others wake up with 3 corals gone.
  5. halamaya

    Curing live rock

    Thats great idea Freak. I shall bring my bucket next trip to buy another 10 pounds. 85 pounds in a 55 should be plenty to help my tank right?
  6. halamaya

    My 210 Build starts today

    I have a 55 and have peiced it together buying the tank and stand used, lights aswell. Up to 327 watts, lol. I have 2 coralife fixtures 192 and a 65, and then another 50/50 reef 55 watt in a plastic old school fixture. Then this is the best. Off of my old reptile cage I put a 15 watt 50/50...
  7. halamaya

    Want a dwarf ANGEL

    I was looking at the Centropyge Fisheri. I have a derasa clam and do not want him to nibble at him. Is this Centropyge a good match for my reef tank? I have passive fish aswell and can not afford an aggressive fish. If this Dwarf angel doesn't work I was looking at the multi-colored Pygmy...
  8. halamaya

    Lost Friends need help

    i put my pistol shrimp in my tank with his already paired up partner Randal, and my 6 line chased after my Pistol. The two have been seperate now for almost 2 days are they going to find eachother? My pistol is hiding from my Wrasse in a small hole infront, and my Goby is watching from...
  9. halamaya

    Derasa Clam

    I now have 327 watts of all 50/50 lighting is this a good thing? Looking to upgrade my other light bulb for anothe 10watts. Hopefully this will be enough for him. The peice of rock he is on is over a foot in circle hes only 2.5 I think he will be ok for a while.
  10. halamaya

    What would be a good reef fish for my 29?

    He bullied my Pecula but never chased him down or caused major damage. Now they seem to get along well. He works teh rock all day as soon as teh sun comes up and is gone as soon as it goes down in his little bed of mucus. I found his night activities to be stressful cause he looked sick LOL...
  11. halamaya

    My 210 Build starts today

    If your setting up a tank that big and already have 3. I'm thinking money isn't the biggest issue. I em very jealous; on my first month of salt with a 55 gallon. 1500 dollars later I can't wait to spend some more.
  12. halamaya

    quick question

    Its true you can order a fifteen dollar fish but pay 40 for overnight shipping. I just ordered my first fire shrimp and Derasa clam. Both arrived in great condition; my clam opened up in the acclimation bucket. FYI the 79 dollars does not include and dry goods, because they ship them...
  13. halamaya

    Derasa Clam

    He is on a rock covered with sand, he hasn't tried to move yet. I thought the marine snow had Phytoplankton and Zooplankton in it, which the clams need until they get to 4 inches; so I read anyway. He is about 10 - 12 inches underneath the lights. Is there any way to maybe get some sort of...
  14. halamaya


    Do you think that the filter removes nutrients from the water that are not replaced by a good salt mix? I think I have too many fish in my tank to want to risk not running my filter for two weeks.
  15. halamaya

    some pics of my 65

    I think that looks awesome. What do you have for fish in the tank?
  16. halamaya


    I em no expert but it removes impurities from the water like NITRATES. I don't beleive it filters out enough of your trace elemnts to matter.
  17. halamaya

    Derasa Clam

    I jumped into things a bit to quick, I love the clams and got a Derasa Thick Striped. I have Corallife lights 260 watts all 50/50 coralife bulbs. The Derasa sits over half way up in a 55 gallon tank. Will he make it? Feeding marine snow is this a good idea? He seems happy for now with a...
  18. halamaya

    pistol shrimp

    I just bought a mated pair. Randals shrimp Goby and a Michaels pistol. Very cool they are very close. Thanks for the suggestion I think I will call mine Doc Holiday
  19. halamaya

    percula clownfish sitting uneasy

    my clownfish seems to be making friends with my wrasse and seems to be swimming much less vigorously against the glass.
  20. halamaya

    percula clownfish sitting uneasy

    my percula is swimming around day and night. Hes been in the tank for 3 days now. My 6 line wrasse nips him to move away but doesn't chase him down. Is this normal?