Search results

  1. halamaya

    Dwarf flame angel stressed

    New tank 46 gal bow front. Blue spotted puffer, for 2 monthes, added a flame angel 2 weeks ago. All params looking good, he's eatting well, but his back fin is a bit torn and his black lines are faded. He seems to get along really well with my puffer. Could this just be cause hes still new...
  2. halamaya

    clownfish and bubble anemone

    I bought a bubble anenome last week and my percula went to his side of the tank but didn't swim in. He got real close and looked like hewanted too, I moved a rock that was touching the anenome out of the way and gave him a good amount of room. With in an hour he swam into the anenome. Good...
  3. halamaya

    unwanted alage taking over sandbeds!?

    I don't mind so much I em still new and have to remeber to get all of my facts straight. Stilll I only answer questions that I have had some maybe little experience with or have read about. I know most books and inserts say nothing about the crabs but there are a couple so I figured that it...
  4. halamaya

    unwanted alage taking over sandbeds!?

    So I did some more research on Cyano bacteria. It seems I was partially wrong you want to get blue legged hermit crabs or scarlet reef hermits. They will help eat it. Also make sure you are not over feeding your tank. If your lights are old they may have gotten into longer wavelengths, which...
  5. halamaya

    Derasa not feeding

    I have been told by my LFS who is very experienced that Derasa's can be kept under just about any kind of lighting. I want someone to do it with a Blue Maxima so I can try it; without halide's.
  6. halamaya


    I thought his tank was awesome but sort of common. I thought to see more uniques. He did have some cool variations though. 8 minutes is no where near enough time to see 1700 gallons. So jealous.
  7. halamaya

    unwanted alage taking over sandbeds!?

    Need some more crabs. They will clean up thered algae befor the hair algae grows.
  8. halamaya

    Nght slugs

    I have some sort of slug I em guessing. They are white some are 1/2 inch some smaller, Tehy come out after the lights are out and seem to be eatting mostly algae off teh acrylic. Are these rapidly mulitplying nightime feeders going to be a problem? Could they be small snails? Thanksfor all...
  9. halamaya

    Help! Cleaner wrasse picking at clams!

    I have a 6 line wrasse and a red headed blue sided fairy wrasse, and a derasa clam. When I first put in my clam my snails, crabs and everyone else cleaned him rigth up. Give them some time to acclimate with eachother. See if he is doing any real damage. He might clean em up and leave them...
  10. halamaya

    left town, heater quit, tank crashed

    I have read a book that suggests doing a 1 percent water change everyday. I hope you have good luck. Feel like crying for you.
  11. halamaya

    What's your favorite Wrasse?

    I love him he has awesome colors, I em thinking about getting a carpenters flasher wrasse also though.
  12. halamaya

    more fragging fun

    I wanted to stock my tank pretty soon with some corals, and wondered if you had any ideas. I really like the closed brain coral and wanted some other neon colors to go with it. Thanks for any help. Sorry I have a 55 gallon tank with 327 watts coralife lights 50/50 lighting. Peaceful tank...
  13. halamaya

    Help... My goniopora is diein'!!

    I em reading a book on corals now and he suggests keeping your calcium at 450ppm. I know it's not much but...
  14. halamaya

    What can i get that will eat this

    When I first started my tank I bought a peice of LR I really liked but covered in that algae. My phospahtes almost 0 trates 0, and I change 5gals from a 55 gal every week, I make a point to suck at the algae with a hose everytime i clean. I em now sucking up clumps at a time, and not sorry to...
  15. halamaya

    Is this even Scientifically possible?

    I was told no that my tests were off and this was saturated but... Here we are both testing over 500 in calcium. I bought myself a book Aquarium Corals by Eric H. Borneman LFS said it was very good and he is super knowledgable. The book says that you can supersaturate your tank to around...
  16. halamaya

    Derasa not feeding

    When I first got it opened up in my acclimation bucket (had a low watt floureescent, then i only gave him 3 hours of light that day) and as soon as I put him into my tank. On a chunk of live rock (covered in a thin layer of live sand) over halfway up. He opend up right away but it was several...
  17. halamaya

    Help my nerves

    Thanks Dennis this is what I have been doing, Heats up in the tank now. This is the method I have been using so far. Wish me nad my clam luck.
  18. halamaya

    Help my nerves

    I did purchase online. My LFS would not have let me make this mistake. Is there anything I can do to help my clam out or em I doomed to watch him die? This is not what I want, I will do another calcium test tomorrow. The ph does seem to be down after the lights have been one for a few hours...
  19. halamaya

    Is it too soon for a rose bud anemone?

    My Ph is going up when lights off and down when on. Temp got real cold here in Vermont, and now the temp swings a degree from 76.4 - 77.4, set for 77. I think I need to get another small heater, this one is for a 75 gal, and I have a 55, thought it would be enough.
  20. halamaya

    Help my nerves

    I have jumped into to things too quickly and went off my model plan. I got a Derasa clam with my tank only 5 weeks old. I have 327 watts of reef 50/50 lighting. Does my poor friend have a chance? I have not tested magnesium, iodine, or any other trace elements except calcium which is about...