Search results

  1. halamaya

    Red Sea Max250

    my lfs has 2 I'll have to go check em out.
  2. halamaya

    Hello Cranberry

    Not sure haven't ever seen them at the pet store befor. Deffinatley not a Marine betta, the marine betta is a Calloplesiops or something like that. Same family, Only he sits on the ground and doesnt do any open water swimming. Well he is quick to swim out and snatch a shrimp or 3.
  3. halamaya

    Hello Cranberry

    You can buy it through this website. Type in Plesiops in the search bar. They sell em for 71 bucks I got mine for 40 not bad.
  4. halamaya

    My New 10 Gal Reef!

    Sweet tank, I've just started a 10 gal reef aswell. I've got a cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, couple different green mushrooms, zoos, purple rhodactis mushrooms, a purple firefish, Yellow Assesar, and a pom pom crab. What do you use for water circulation and filtartion. I skimmed through...
  5. halamaya

    Hello Cranberry

    Sorry it took me so long, but the Mini Marine Betta I was talking about is called a Plesiops Betta. Still working on teh picture thing.
  6. halamaya

    death toll increases

    My 55 gal reef slow decline, my second emerald crab died today. The other died last week. Everything else seems to be fine. Temps at 80 degrees, worst it got was 83 could this be why? The mystery killer.
  7. halamaya

    had to tell someone

    I'll do my best I didn't notice until he took a most unusual walk across the front of the tank.
  8. halamaya

    had to tell someone

    I just moved my 3 gal tank to a ten gal tank. I've had a pom pom crab (boxer crab) for a little over a year. He had lost one of his anenome's along the way. I bought a few more pounds of live rock and unfortunately got a few apistasia. My crab replaced his lost anenome right away with an...
  9. halamaya

    I need help

    the lights are about 4 monthes old.
  10. halamaya

    I need help

    I use marine buffer about everyother day, kents liquid calcium and magnesium. Calcium everyday, magnesium about twice a week. I use selcon atleast once a week, and Kents essentials elements once every two weeks. Iodine testing is a pain and costly. Still not sure if I'm reading the test...
  11. halamaya

    I need help

    I use only R/O water I buy from my LFS. I have a Rena filstar canister filter rated for a 75 gal tank. Hang on refugium, only 2.5 gallons but its got a gal of mineral mud and a ton of red and green macro algae in it (gotta sell some back to the pet store.) Prizm hang on skimmer also rated...
  12. halamaya

    I need help

    Getting very frusterated, I can't seem to get everything healthy. Lost two fish in the battle my Sunburst Anthias which seem to start everything, and my dragonet. Started having problems 3 -4 monthes ago. Ph is too low at 7.8. I get it up just over 8 for a little while. Switching buffers to...
  13. halamaya


    I've used it and it says right on the bottle may have to go through cycle twice for bad case's. I'm not sure if it worked for me or not been about 3 months too scared to add a new fish. I used the Rally with it and it made my tank nuclear green but saved some of my fish. Lost an Anthias to...
  14. halamaya

    look at this monster i found in my 12gal!!

    I always leave the boards excited and a little scared
  15. halamaya

    My New 10 Gallon Nano

    I would do one or the either fuge or hang on or canister filer. I have 20lbs live sand and about 15lbs live rock. I only have a nano jet in their now but iwth the hang on filer and bubble bar there's decent movement. Plan on looking into anthor nano powerhead though. I upgraded my reef tank...
  16. halamaya

    Making water for changes

    nothing better than a good old water change
  17. halamaya

    Current Usa Satellite Hood With Lunar

    I have compact flourecents and I'm switching because t5's are cheaper to replace and more energy efficient so I'm told. I've got Acans, a derasa clam, even a sunrise montipora. Theres one acro I'm thinking of getting a pink lemonade it's a 100 bucks but... Only lower light acro I've seen.
  18. halamaya

    60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank

    So I goit my pillow starfish andaSculpin scorpion fish. He told me the scientific name for the Betta began withanL he was going to write it down but forgot. It began with an L sorry I'll be going back soon. They were out of ghost shrimp.
  19. halamaya

    valentini puffer

    I have a blue spotted puffer and he doesn't really open hs tail unless he has too. I tried to put a valentini puffer with him and he did it a lot, had to bring the val. back to the store the next day. Knew it was a 50/50 shot.
  20. halamaya

    60g Scorpion/Waspfish/Anthias Tank

    I've tried at night with my feeding prong, and just trying to get it to drop just right. I feed ghost shrimp that I try to gutt load with marine flakes. I've had him for about 6 monthes. I tried freeze dried and frozen krill, the clams on the half shell (my puffer loves em) shrimp, scallops...