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  1. plum70rt

    Hi Reefers

    Hi all Have not posted in a while, hope all is well:) here is my 262 Gallon today doing great:D
  2. plum70rt

    7 Gallon progress

  3. plum70rt

    7 Gallon progress

    hi all:) my nano is doing well hope all yours are good too , have not posted in a while here it is today all 6 clownfish still present:D
  4. plum70rt

    acrylic hexagon pics, FL HUGE CHEAP!!!

    still have it,? where in fla? le me know
  5. plum70rt

    315g parting out in Orlando

    Hi teo still have the tank? let me know
  6. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    about 20ml every other day, my tank is clear, algae free, I do 1 gallon water change once a week, also I dose at nite skimmer is off, when lights are on skimmer is on
  7. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    thanks all ,72 watts pc on a 7 gallon , clam does well. I dose mega dts, I can see shell growth already:)
  8. plum70rt

    Happy Birthday...

    :) Happy Birthday:D
  9. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    well IMO not forever, they grow, get a small one , I got the smallest one I could find,
  10. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    OA, sorry, yes that green serpent star is fine, :) he does a great cleanup job, the only loss I had is a clam got knocked over, and my crab took a taste and then ate it all, I released him back to the ocean, fat and happy, :(
  11. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    thanks all,this tanks gets alot of my attention, not a beginner tank,there is alot of life in a smal area, clowns will go to my big tank soon, not to worry, I feel the heat already:D
  12. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    also yes there is a structure in the clown family, 2 seem to be a pair, when i figure it out, and some grow, I will move them to the 262 gallon, for now they all get along, :)
  13. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

    yes bubble calerpa, grows like crazy,I take some out now and then and give it to the tangs, 262 gallon is fine, no real changes everything a little bigger, those trumpets were found in the live rock bin at a LFS, so I grabbed them, just put them in, lets see how they do:)
  14. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

  15. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

  16. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

  17. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update

  18. plum70rt


    check out ,king kong and Gozilla:) , responsible for many coral deaths,:( part of the reef cycle I guess, I have to watch them closely, they take up the whole right side of tank, and you can see that leather is POd:mad:
  19. plum70rt

    Not a 6-pak...

    this is my view, if I turn around:D
  20. plum70rt

    sixpac nano update
