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  1. plum70rt he's "40"...

    I thought it slip through:( THANKS To all, Yes 40, well I still feel pretty good , thank god, if perfect health a nice reef what else could a man want, ? A Calcium Reactor:D dont worry I be here to ask a miliion questions when I set it up, Again thanks to all:)
  2. plum70rt

    NY Aquarium pics

    wow have not been there in a long time, do they still have the Bulega whales there?
  3. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    Tang man Thanks, Yes superbirds are , converts are the hot lick now, they made so few a friend of mine has a 70 hemi challenger convert bought it in pieces for 125k, was offered over 350k wont sell it yet, its one of 8 made, boy I missed the boat on these cars :( oh well drive and enjoy...
  4. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    yep M14,M16 AR15, Thompson 45 cal with 100rd drum, :) Got em all, Bronco , how you hold a beer?
  5. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

  6. plum70rt

    How many watts for a 12 gallon

    Depends on what kind of nice corals, more light, more heat, more issues, never easy in this hobby:confused: I have 72 watts PC on my 7 and it cranks:)
  7. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    its posible, there are alot of 72 73 cars around 74 are a little scarce 70 and 71 are the most disirable 70 the first and best year, my car is in the chrysler Registry # 63 of the 65 registered with them, these cars have gone up in value quite a bit, what year did you sell yours? I got mine in...
  8. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

  9. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    LOL well you know the old saying DODGE stands for DROPS OIL DROPS GREASE EVERYWHERE my 440 70 Challenger is around 420 HP now,few internal tricks Correct in every way, voted in top 10% of the cars to exist today
  10. plum70rt

    Monday morning Mini-6

    Nice Nano!:) Thanks for the 6 pak:D
  11. plum70rt

    Anemone dug in

    they move when they want, Peskey critters, there is no way to stop it, although they do settle down somewhat after time,
  12. plum70rt

    Nano 6pak, update

    thank you you NM reef, maybe a six pack of the little 6oz nips? all clowns get along there is a pecking order though, when they get a little larger and hopefully pair off some I plan to move to the bigger setup
  13. plum70rt

    happy to be daddy again

    congrads, leos rock :)
  14. plum70rt

    water changes from the ocean??

    Most of the LFS here in fla get their water from the ocean, I have used it its ok ,and I have got my own from 2 miles out, I just feel beter making my own water, It just takes one bad batch to spoil a whole tank
  15. plum70rt

    When Anemones go Bad!

    they are in my 262 Gallon, raised from pups, both Sabae anemones Thank you on the 7, Its all custom made really,by me well about 80% of it, I found the shell at a garage sale , I put in the lighting and filtration,
  16. plum70rt

    When Anemones go Bad!

    also forget about moving them look hows he anchored
  17. plum70rt

    When Anemones go Bad!

    ok for all you non Anemone fans, here is the reason you dont keep them, they move time to time stinging and pretty much killing everything in their path, I moved what I could, but there was a death toll, :( some frags were destroyed, both of these guys are at least 24 inch across,
  18. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    how much HP does that porshe put out? whats your quarter mile time?
  19. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    Its a Barrett 82A1, I can hit a cinder block at 1800 Yards, and find nothing larger than a dime size piece:D , I like to see the video though
  20. plum70rt

    Other Hobby Pics???

    No talking about one of these, :)