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  1. mbuckley

    anenome lighting

    I've have luck NOT feeding my Sebae, it's almost doubled in size since I got it. When I first got it I'd try and feed it frozen silversides. This worked for the first couplke of days. Unfortunately once my clown took to the Sabae it would pick the pieces of silverside out before the sebae...
  2. mbuckley


    The 1 fish I really what is a Mandarin Goby. I know they need a healthy pod population to thrive so today I setup a 20 gallon refugium under my 35 gallon display tank. I plan on adding Culerpa once I find a source (ie someone trying to get rid of it). My question is too others with a...
  3. mbuckley

    Sex of Mandarins

    I remmeber reading/being told that one of the sexes of Mandarins are easier to keep. Is this true? Is so, which --- is easier and how do you distinguish them. Thanks, Mike
  4. mbuckley

    Lighting for Corals

    I currently have a green star polyp and and a sebae anemone in my 35 gallon tank. Both are doing extremely well (almost double in size since I got them). I'm currently running 4 x 25 watt NO flourescent tubes, 2 PowerGlo, 2 Marine Glo (~3 watts per gallon). I'd like to add some more corals...
  5. mbuckley

    Live rock or sand

    I saw a good formula for determining how much (lbs) of sand you'll need: Length x Width (of your tank) x Desired depth X 0.0579 Hope that helps, Mike
  6. mbuckley

    sixline wrasse: reef safe or not

    I love my 6-line, I've got a green star polyp coral and it never bothers it. Also I've seen mine acting as a cleaner fish, picking of Ich from my Flame Angel when I first introduced it. It's a great little fish, one of my favourites. Also worked great cycling my new tank. I'm getting...