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  1. mbuckley

    My Tank

    Here a pic of my Tank
  2. mbuckley

    anyone know how to take care of barnacles?

    I don't know alot about them but I seem to remember reading in a previous post that they are almost impossible to keep alive in captivity because they need to be fed constantly. I had some once on a piece of aquacultured live rock I bought but they only lasted about a week. Try a search of the...
  3. mbuckley

    sebae anemone?

    I bought a sebae approximately 6 months ago for my tank. At first it was a "beautiful white colour with pink tips". Unfortunately I didn't realize that this meant it had been bleached and wasn't healthy. Fortunately, my clown fish took to the anemone almost immediately and gradually over...
  4. mbuckley

    More fish...

    Jillian, I'm not sure where you got the impression I'm keeping a Mandarin, it's the 1 fish I want, but I know with my current setup I'm not getting enough pod production in my refugium to support one... Also, I congratulate you all for never having made a mistake through trial and error with one...
  5. mbuckley

    More fish...

    A simple no would have been enough. I wish I could say thank you for your opinions regarding the tang but I can't, I never wanted them... Enough said, thank you for responding to my post anyways..
  6. mbuckley


    Just checking some of my old posts, and I'm happy to say that my pruple lobster is well and kicking, I found him yesterday while I was putting a flame scallop in my tank...
  7. mbuckley

    More fish...

    Without getting into a huge debate over whether or not I should be keeping yellow tang in my tank(obviously I think I can and he/she is doing awesome), do you think it would be possible to add a couple of firefish to my tank, I friend of mine has some in a aquarium he is going to take apart to...
  8. mbuckley

    Seaclone and bubbles

    About 6 months ago I purcahsed a Seaclone 100 protein skimmer for my setup so I could free up some space inside my tank. I initially placed it in my refugium but I found that it would cut out way too early if the water levels dropped even a inch. So, a week ago I moved it up into the...
  9. mbuckley

    Hair algae again...

    Yes, I use only Ro water...
  10. mbuckley

    Hair algae again...

    About 4 months ago, I was having a serious problem with hair algae. As a result a decided to add a refugium underneath my main tank so I could grow culpera, which in theory, I understood woould outcompete the hair algae for nutrients and thus solve my problem. This worked great for about 2-3...
  11. mbuckley

    I HATE my tank

    One other thing, I know it gets expensive but I change my No bulbs every 6 months. You don't notice how much they spectrum changes until you switch the bulbs...
  12. mbuckley


    Live rock, sand and some-type of macro algae see to be the common inhabitants of a refugium, that's what I have... (see my signature) P.S. From what I understand you need at least 5-6 inches to have a properly working DSB. Though I'd say something now while your tank is still cycling and...
  13. mbuckley

    post getting delted

    user cp only shows the last day unless you specify otherwise...
  14. mbuckley

    Got my Package....

    Just 1 comment, you'll have trouble keeing a Mandarin in a 20 gallon. Just do a search on Mandarin and read the posts, they need alot of pods...
  15. mbuckley

    Cutting Gorgonians

    If I'm reading this right, I strip a piece of the gorgonian like a wire? Cut off the orange "flesh" and stick the center into a hole? Will any fragment start a new "colony". i.e. If I have 1 large piece, can I make 2 or 3 smaller pieces? Or do I need to leave the current base intact and just...
  16. mbuckley

    Emerald crab question

    I live in St.Catharines, Ontario
  17. mbuckley

    Need help w/ new refugium

    A refgium is an awesome addition to any tank. I recently set one up myself and find I spend as much time or more looking at it. However if your just looking to get rid of algae you could try using a phosphate sponge. I'm pretty sure your algae is a result of excess phosphates (are you using...
  18. mbuckley

    Emerald crab question

    Take this account as you will, but... I had just purchased a brand new Royal Gramma for my tank. When I finally released him into the tank he took off and hide among the rock work. I didn't see him for the next couple of hours but I didn't think much off it. That night when I was looking...
  19. mbuckley

    Cutting Gorgonians

    I recently bought a large piece of a gorgonian. Unfortunately my eyes were a little bigger then my tank as the piece is too large for my tank... Is it possible to cut pieces off and have them form into new colonies like you would a piece of coral? If so any tips / tricks / things I should be...
  20. mbuckley

    Lighting for Pods

    The Flame Angel is my "show" fish if you will. It doesn't have the best personality, but damn is it pretty... Best personality is a toss up between my gramma or my 6-line's...