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  1. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    freakin cool i fed them today broke tiny pieces of bloodworms, and put in their tentacles and man they grabbed it and engulfed it pretty amazing reminds me of an anemone.
  2. fishstick4sale


    "phosphate/silicate control" any1 use it? i started treating my tank with it to remove phosphates, hope it works.
  3. fishstick4sale

    What do you use to raise Calcium?

    lowfat milk!
  4. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    yeap! do they have long ones? is that the best way to feed this coral?
  5. fishstick4sale

    reading results

    well coral dont put out much waste = ammonia for the cycle to go through. how many fish do u have? and CUC what do u have.
  6. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    aww man :( i dont like coral i have to feed whats the loong suction lil straws called to feed
  7. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    o he gave me torches like frogspawn almost 4 heads. and blue and green zo's
  8. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    so its like a plate coral water lands on its tentacles it will move into its mouth?
  9. fishstick4sale

    New Coral Piece, +ID it please.

    my friend at the lfs said they sale for 50$ a head, he gave me a huge one with 2 babies on it, and zo's and some other stuff for 20$bucks whats the name? i thought it was suncoral but it isnt.
  10. fishstick4sale

    Coral ID.

    marine snow. basic stuff
  11. fishstick4sale

    Coral ID.

    yea it looks really good under my lights opens up nicely and loooks full i feed coral food into my tank often an coral thrives i have it about half way up in my tank. plus i have 144watts for 30gallons in my tank so it should b fine.
  12. fishstick4sale

    Nitrates off the charts! HELP!

    20ppm 15ppm 25ppm nitrate readings those r high sometimes people have even higher so whats the highest reading on that strip. do u have bioballs or anything of that sort. you need to give more detail and strips... dont use those they arent very accurate only when their new they r ok.
  13. fishstick4sale

    Will Emerald Crab Do the Trick?

    try a sea hare but after its done removing the algae return the sea hare
  14. fishstick4sale

    Impulse buy

    those tanks r freakin awesome very expensive, but they let alot of water evap. but great freakin tank i wanted one with a hanging metal halide.
  15. fishstick4sale

    Detane's NANOWAVE 9 project

    detane u have started a frenzy everyone is getting a tank now lol.
  16. fishstick4sale

    swimmer4uus's Nanowave 9 project

    real nice color selection nice nice nice hows the water looking? all perams lookin sweet>?
  17. fishstick4sale

    pls help fast fish dead

    hmmmm, hard to say without water test, gotta know what could have happened.. those numbers, have u gottn a testkit?
  18. fishstick4sale

    Getting a New 29g biocube

    AU mister what coral do u have in ur tank?
  19. fishstick4sale

    Xenia xplosion

    man thats a sweet lookin tank just clip the xenias from the bottom closes u can go to the LV and sale it!! make some mad money!
  20. fishstick4sale

    blue regal tang acting funny

    sleep? my fishes look dead when they r asleep. when the lights come on they b out an about in about 20 minutes... lotta abouts in this sentence.