freakin cool i fed them today broke tiny pieces of bloodworms, and put in their tentacles and man they grabbed it and engulfed it pretty amazing reminds me of an anemone.
my friend at the lfs said they sale for 50$ a head, he gave me a huge one with 2 babies on it, and zo's and some other stuff for 20$bucks
whats the name? i thought it was suncoral but it isnt.
yea it looks really good under my lights opens up nicely and loooks full i feed coral food into my tank often an coral thrives i have it about half way up in my tank. plus i have 144watts for 30gallons in my tank so it should b fine.
20ppm 15ppm 25ppm nitrate readings those r high sometimes people have even higher so whats the highest reading on that strip. do u have bioballs or anything of that sort. you need to give more detail and strips... dont use those they arent very accurate only when their new they r ok.