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  1. fishstick4sale

    Green Star Polyp taking over??

    same problem here i try pealing them back i think im going to scrub them off with something sharp a blade or something its stinging other coral
  2. fishstick4sale

    SPS growth under PC's with success

    i have the biocube 29 with the 4.36 lighting upgrade i didnt want to make the purchase worried it would not satisfy me but after the upgrade 1 36watt pc actinic, 1 daylight 36watt 10,000k, 2 50/50 36watt bulbs in there and im pleased i was not able to keep zo's on the sand with a rock they would...
  3. fishstick4sale

    urchin vs coral

    yea some urchins will eat coral, some arent reef safe i would remove it if u want to keep coral or ask your lfs if its reef safe
  4. fishstick4sale

    white zo's

    white zo's they look like snowflakes comepletely white how rare r those and whats the price rang anyone know, LFS has them and i plan on buying
  5. fishstick4sale

    my new bubble coral!

    real sweet
  6. fishstick4sale

    Ricordia Question

    doesnt look like a ric at all, looks like a hairy mushroom. ill post some pics of my hairy mushrooms and my baby rick, i dont see the ric in it at all. thats a hairy mushroom now that i look at it more. your salinity at 1.023 seems just a tad low might want to bump up to 1.025 for coral mine...
  7. fishstick4sale

    Neptunes 125 Reef Diary.

    what is this?
  8. fishstick4sale

    Cleaner Shrimp Question

    ocean water, isnt your nitrates uP? just curious to what your nitrates r.. heck yea an coral will eat up your fishes,crabs,shrimps etc.... my plate coral some how grabbed a hermit crab out his shell and ate him then pushed the empty shell over i was amazed. and i seen it eat my...
  9. fishstick4sale

    Salifert CA testing...

    or purple up to boost calcium, i have that bionic does it work? anyone know?
  10. fishstick4sale


    shoot me to i wanted to pack my tank quick but i had to slow down
  11. fishstick4sale

    Brianbeme 15 high

    that last picture the coral on the left what is that? looks pretty
  12. fishstick4sale


    i was told just good water perams and spot feeding no light needed on the coral, i didnt know it would need spot feeding i was kinda upset i dont like spot feeding things. but im keepin it, its sooo pretty
  13. fishstick4sale


    dendrophyllia found it, umm LFS told me the piece i have retails 100$ 50bucks a head but i only have 1 big 1 and 2 lil ones.
  14. fishstick4sale

    ro vs rodi water

    r/o goes through like 4 filters to remove everything it claims to remove nitrites nitrates ammonia copper etc..... i mean everything well almost everying in the water is removed 99.9% but DI is an additional filter so a total of 5 it goes through so an extra step. cant really tell u the...
  15. fishstick4sale


    im noticing mine turning like a brown, also i got a rick today and and umm some other coral thats like a twig with tiny tiny lil tentacles that hide and pop out, and this coral here.. just started opening fully check it out
  16. fishstick4sale


    im so sad ur two clowns remind me of mine when i first started my bio29 now i only have 1, 1 died... :( but your tank looks great
  17. fishstick4sale


    what color does hair algae start to turn if its dying out slowly?
  18. fishstick4sale


    it seems to be working nothing has gotten bigger hair algae seems to be same size and not advancing
  19. fishstick4sale


    crap so whats that mean? the api test kit is wak? what calcium levels do u get