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  1. sunburnt

    G. kidako pics

    heh. The pics suck, but they're the best I could do with what little patience I have. I'm sure I'll finally make the time to read the camera's operational manual when I locate a decent enough tank to really show off. ;-) Tell Amanda we hope she feels better soon. And if she has "the crud"...
  2. sunburnt

    G. kidako pics

    Well, AW2 - you asked. He's so little, but seems very healthy and alert. He's been hiding in the rock caves I designed for him, and sometime last night he ate a single silverside I had failed to entice him with earlier. Great rusty coloring... Happy to be an eel keeper again. Now I'm even...
  3. sunburnt

    Bristle Worms

    LOL! Fishie beat me to it!
  4. sunburnt

    Bristle Worms

    Use the SEARCH feature and look on the hitchhikers thread under worms. Usually a pinkish color with rows of whitish bristle tufts going down each side. Ugly little things... but beneficial. They'll clean the detritus (extra food and stuff) at the bottom of the tank. I had a huge amount come in...
  5. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Thanks, Lion. I have 380 Gigs to fill up with them- LOL! I took some really funny ones of Riddick snarfing down a raw chicken, but I thought they might make someone nauseous... Really cute dogs, you guys! I'm so glad to see so many of you have more than I do!
  6. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    Originally Posted by crimzy Thx sunburnt. Let's see more pics of yours... You trying to get me kicked for hogging space?
  7. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    :cheer: Big dogs rock! :cheer: Crimzy- gorgeous dog, man.
  8. sunburnt

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    I bought a Kidako moray from Jason. Paid Sunday - here today! The eel was well-packed, and he went through unexpected trouble with shipping and never complained (at least not to me! LOL!). I would trade with him again! Thanks, Jason!
  9. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    This is my other Fila (Brazilian Mastiff), Rio. She was given up to rescue a year ago, at the old age of 7. She's an angel. The bed that they're laying on is a queen, and both their paws are hanging off.
  10. sunburnt

    heres a change post pics of ur dogs!

    :cheer: I love this post! I love dogs! I do Mastiff rescue, so along with my personal 2 Filas, I'm fostering the black one. Her name is Pearl. The human waste that owned her before physically and mentally abused her. When I picked her up, she had a tangerine sized hematoma, was severly...
  11. sunburnt

    post your honeycomb moray eels

    uhhh... sure they do. That I can remember, Tome , Escape2Thewater , and DocHoliday all three have one... You can search for tessa or tesselatta and come up with some great shots.
  12. sunburnt

    Free Crab To Good Home.

    I just had to say - that's one cool looking crab!! Good luck finding him a good home!
  13. sunburnt

    post your honeycomb moray eels

    Oh, come on peeps. I know at least one guy on here that has a gorgeous tessa!!!! It's a "pup", remember? I'm sure they know this nickname for them too... ***) ***)
  14. sunburnt


    Look on that Big Auction Site...
  15. sunburnt

    FS: Kidako Moray eel Upstate NY

    Thanks. I'll be glad to have eels around again. I think this Kidako's temperment might be similar to a zebra I had a few years ago: fairly docile except at feedings. Correct me if I'm wrong. :notsure: What the heck do you want pics of my little eel for? You have a freekin busload of Dragons...
  16. sunburnt

    FS: Kidako Moray eel Upstate NY

    :: dies laughing :: Well. um. Hrm. Too late. Besides, I have to take that site with a grain of salt since there's no pictures to compare and it says call for availability... Now if you'll excuse me I have SG to adjust and LR to rearrange... :hilarious
  17. sunburnt

    FS: Kidako Moray eel Upstate NY

    umm... I think he meant IF it was a local pickup he'd take $150... So, technically, I'm meeting him in the middle. He'll get to pocket about $170 IF he'll double-bag it and overnight it with a wrapped heat pack. And like I said anyone experienced in this, please share any tips. For the sake of...
  18. sunburnt

    FS: Kidako Moray eel Upstate NY

    I'm not interested in getting in between ya'lls arguement, but I AM interested in buying the nice-looking eel. Are those pics recent? You wouldn't try to sell me a corpse, would you? :thinking: I've been looking for a bigger setup (I'm hoping for a 200+), but right now I have a 90 with no...
  19. sunburnt

    something that eats gorgonians

    This happened to me too. The Gorgonias were cheap and didn't look too hot anyway (I think because they were exposed to air in the bags), so I left the Flamingo alone. It's been months and he's just now finishing the second purple frilly. I think he's gorgeous, and am debating if I want to buy...
  20. sunburnt

    Saturday afternoon 5 pack.

    Ah. I read some posts on GrimReefers dot com (Is that allowed, since they're not SELLING anything? I dunno. Fuzzy on that rule!) that were really informative and showed how to --- them... They have an entire forum dedicated to matis keeping! Cool stuff.