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  1. gradymo

    Sebae Anemone @

    Well, I got my anemone Wed., and it was about 1.5" in diameter! It was in very little water so I just temp acclimated it for about 30 minutes and placed it in the tank. After about 10 seconds, the motion from the water picked it up, and turned it upside down. I turned it back over and put it at...
  2. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    The rule of thumb is 1 snail for every 2 gallons, so I would go the 25-30 snails (a mixture of Turbos and Nassarius). A couple of peppermint and a cleaner shrimp would be fine. They're having a sale right now on this site for 50 assorted cleaner snails fro $24.99 (which would be fine in your...
  3. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    I don't see any problem with adding a shrimp now. Just be sure you acclimate properly.
  4. gradymo

    Sebae Anemone @

    That's awesome! I ordered mine, should be here tomorrow!
  5. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    I have a 90g, my CUC consists of about 50 various snails, a cleaner shrimp, a peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crabs, a brittle starfish, a sand sifting starfish, a couple cleaner clams, and maybe a half dozen blue-legged hermits.
  6. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    Clean Up Crew (snails, shrimp, crabs, starfish)
  7. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    The algae is normal, just make sure you have enough water flow for your tank and that problem will slowly go away. I wouldn't worry about doing another water change at this point. You should get yourself a good CUC and add your first fish about a week later. Keep us posted!!
  8. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    I would throw a piece of raw shrimp in there and let that sit a couple of days, then retest. You should see a small ammonia spike and then drop to zero, then nitrites, then nitrates. If after that, you're still reading ammonia, try another test kit. But I think you'll be good to go to add your...
  9. gradymo

    HELP needed with "New" "Old" tank

    An Ich cyst can lay dormant for as long as 8 weeks, once it hatches, it will die after 3 days without a host. Ich cannot survive on an invert, it needs a fish host. So you should be just fine.
  10. gradymo

    HELP needed with "New" "Old" tank

    And you can still use the 10g that you have for a QT. You can use the live rock kick start your cycle and add the inverts when it's complete. Clean out any rubble in the 10g, replace you filter media (put your new media in the DT to gather some beneficial bacteria), and you have your QT.
  11. gradymo

    HELP needed with "New" "Old" tank

    I would set the tank up with the filter (empty,throw away any filter media), power heads, etc...fill it with water and a couple gallons of white vinegar and let it everything run for a couple of days. Empty it and rinse everything really well. Any stubborn place, I'd use a new toothbrush with...
  12. gradymo

    What to do now? Still ammonia reading in sw tank.

    I would take a sample of your tank water to your local LFS, let them test it and see if they get the same readings you are.
  13. gradymo

    Childhood Aquarium Keeper Getting Ready to Enter Married Life - What am I Allowed to Have?

    Put your foot down! Tell her you're getting a custom made 500 gallon tank and she can't do anything about it!! j/k Have you ever taken her to LFS with you? See if she might be interest in that cute little Nemo fish swimming around in his anemone?
  14. gradymo

    Sebae Anemone @

    Thank you Gemmy!
  15. gradymo

    couple of IDs please...

    Thanks Bang, is there anything I should do about them, or just let them be?
  16. gradymo

    couple of IDs please...

    Any idea what these are? They're starting to appear all over my tank. The reddish "tube" thingy just started popping up, there's probably 100 or so. The White flowery things have been in there for awhile. Even growing on my snails!
  17. gradymo

    Sebae Anemone @

    Has anyone ordered a Sebea nem from this site? If so, did it ship okay? and how big was it? I'm thinking of getting one (on sale now for $20) to see if it will host my False percs. Any comments, suggestions welcome.
  18. gradymo

    just getting started.

    Quote: Originally Posted by mzlambert it NOT that i am impatient, it is just that, well, idk i just want to do it. i could wait if i wanted to, but i dont. i havent really said anything to insist that i am impatient. That line right there says you're impatient. I'm not trying to be mean, and...
  19. gradymo

    just getting started.

    I'm sorry, but it seem to me that you're really impatient and you want this tank up and running and stocked, in one day. It's just not possible. You really should cycle your tank with a piece of raw shrimp, it doesn't take that long, you've already kick started it with live rock. Do you have any...
  20. gradymo

    just getting started.

    It will hurt the damsels....