New Member
Yesterday my sons and I picked up a tank I bought from a gentleman who had it advertised on EBAY. It is the whole setup,
210 gal tank, stand,canopy, pumps, filters,lights,e.c.t.............................
He also gave me a cleaner shrimp,an urchin, some hermits,and tube worm/fan? I didn't know these would be included. Sooooo
we ran to a local store and picked up a 10 gal tank / pump and filter and tubs to get some of his tank water home. I just couldn't
let these things die !!! I thought the system was going to be empty and torn down when we arrived, but he said he was waiting for the
remaining critter to die ,but they didn't
I don't plan on getting it up and running for a couple months, and then no fish for a month or so. My target date is April.
Here is the big problem,he had told me he was quitting fish because he no longer had time, his wife let it slip ,all their fish
died from "ICK" . I know this is't the end of the world, but how do I get everything cleaned and sterilized before I start over.
I figure I'm gonna have to get a new QT tank,I was going to use the 10 gal but now that has the critters and some LR from his
system. Any advice and or suggetions will be appreciated, Thank you in advance !!