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  1. bret61081

    Prizm Skimmer Deluxe (Red Sea)

    I have great....I have about the same amount of soace you do and it fits fine...the hardest part is figuring out the waterflow....usually takes a few tries to get it right....
  2. bret61081


    The *Illegal Site Reference* is having a Freg swap over here Sat Oct 8th....thoguht you might be interested! I know your addicted to corals! U may find them there! :happyfish
  3. bret61081

    Dead Damsel

    I would...Isaw a nice yellow angler yesterday for 16$...but it would eat my manderine...midas blenny and lord only knows what else....and for my luck never get the stupid Damsel....If you find an easy way to catch them without tearing the tank apart! let me kno!!
  4. bret61081

    Cleaner shrimp...

    Originally Posted by xjayx I see the guy jump on my yellow tang and ride him around the tank. Take a pic of that! I wanna see! how cool!!
  5. bret61081

    92 Gallon Corner Tank

    wow thats a lot! I saw it Locally here this past weekend in Boca for 650 with stand and canopy!
  6. bret61081

    Dead Damsel

    God I wish my Blue fin damsel would just die!! the little guy is too fast to catch without tearing the tank apart...he is sooo mean...the only one who stands up to it is my Yellow tang! if you can catch mine you can have it!! sorry for ur loss....
  7. bret61081

    strange algea

    Get a small Yellow tang! I got one and mine loves it when I give him a piece...
  8. bret61081

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Did u get any other fish yet! I can't wait to see a Shoal Tang swimming in that tank!!
  9. bret61081

    Cleaner shrimp...

    its a 55G...I could do both...not sure yet...skunks are 15$ and teh blood reds are 24$ not sure what one I want to go with yet!
  10. bret61081

    Cleaner shrimp...

    Well when Hurricane Katrina hit here, I lost my skunk cleaner shrimp. I wanted to get another one but not sure if I want to get a skunk cleaner shrimp or a blood red cleaner shrimp. My Skunk cleaner cleaned the fish when I first got it but it only last a month or so. Any differnce in cleaning...
  11. bret61081

    new pics from my 100 reef

    Beautiful tank!
  12. bret61081

    Maroon 4 Vs Me 2

    Mine does the same thing...but just around its anemone...and only when I am near the tank. If a rock gets too close it iwll flip out and attack the rock till I move it! But it has all the sand gone around my BTA and its just the glass there. I've put sand there 100 times but it will just dig...
  13. bret61081

    Pics of Brain eating fish! Dang!

    where did you get those bright blue Mushrooms! those look awesome! Ft Laud here too...if you ever frag them let me know!
  14. bret61081

    blenny or royal gramma

    I have both...a Midas Blenny and a Royal gamma....both are great little fish...but if I had to pick just one...Id go with my Midas Blenny!
  15. bret61081

    Red Sea Prizm skimmer

    I've had it on my 55G soon to be reef since May and it works great for me. getting it set at first is the hardest part figuring where you need it to be...just read the instructions and you'll be fine...
  16. bret61081

    min lighting for anemone

    I have a huge BTA and it is doing great in my take with the coralife 65Wx4s. I had a condi too till it moved and got sucked in the powerhead. but I've had my BTA since mid april and it has done great. Almost lost it during the hurricane but once I got it back in my tank after a few water...
  17. bret61081

    Zebra in a reef tank?

    like lion said...should be ok...My ghost eel is always moving around in my tank...he swims right under my BTA and doesnt seem to get stung...the only thinkg you have to worry about is its size. You will prolly have to glue your corals to the rocks...I know at night my little guy swims around...
  18. bret61081

    New Pics...

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Wow, I have never seen a midas that nice looking. Awesome find. Thanks! you can see the other half of him in the 2nd pic...when he is out he is always swimming around...other..and when he stops...he is in his hole in the rock... Makes it hard to get a full shot...
  19. bret61081

    I have the tank, you help stock it!

    Go with a Blue Throat trigger...I've had mine a few months...haven't showed any aggression to any of the other fish...and he and my yellow tang are always swimming laps together! and yet my Maroon clown still rules the tank stealing food right out of her month! its so funny! great fish! Oh...
  20. bret61081

    trigger fish

    If you have one....keep an airpump in there or atleast a powerhead to keep the water moving....I was without power for a week with the hurricane and my battery operated airpump saved my tank...good luck