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  1. bret61081

    55 Gallon stocking

    They do require 70G but remember is for when they are full grown at 7"...I special ordered mine and got it small...the only disadvantage is its harder to --- them when they are small so no picking a male or female! I got a female! still great beautiful fish! If you do special order it, leave...
  2. bret61081

    55 Gallon stocking

    as long as you find a small one you will be fine for a while...I have a small female in my 55G...I figure she will be ok for a year or so...then I will upgrade...but short term it will be fine....mine doesn't bother anything...shrimp...corals...other fish...nothing! great little fish!
  3. bret61081

    crushed coral critters?

    as long as you havent set the 125 up yet...take some of the CC and put it underneth ur will seed the sand bed plus give you more depth...
  4. bret61081

    my new Clowns!

    its a 55G right now...but in the next year going up to either the 90wave or the 4' 110G
  5. bret61081

    Fire fish gobies..single or pairs.

    I just got 2 far they are pretty active...but I paid 12$ each...the purple ones were 18$ each...but I like the long top fin on the red ones! has anyone ever mixed the purple and red in one tank?? just wondering....not to steal ur thread!
  6. bret61081

    Hello.. May i have EEL advice?

    try putting some food in the oppisite end of the tank where the eel is so the trigger and wrasse go for that....then u can feed the eel!
  7. bret61081

    my new Clowns!

    as SOON as I let them out of the bag near it...they went right to it! I am so beyon that I have pretty much everything I I need a bigger tank! LOL
  8. bret61081

    my new Clowns!

    ok...when I first started my tank in Jan...the top of my wish list was a Blue Throat trigger(got it in June), white ghost eel(got it in May) and a pair of GSM clowns! since I was given a LARGE one a while ago with a BTA, I knew I couldn't have the pair nor have I ever even seen a pair avail for...
  9. bret61081


    A male and female Blue Throat is really cool tosee at my LFS they had a pinktail and blue throat in a tank together swimming side by side...was pretty cool...
  10. bret61081

    I need Live Rock in Miami

    The Big Auction Site!!
  11. bret61081

    Pairing fish off...

    I was wondering if anyone has any advise on how to pair off either a royal gamma or neon goby? is there anyway to tell the difference between a male and female of oth species? I know the royal gammas can only be kept one per tank...but I've seen people on here who have 2 in a tank....any...
  12. bret61081

    just some shots of my 280g

    Maybe a stupid question...but living in Australia do you dive for your own corals and fish? those are beautiful! love the toadstool...keep up the good work and post more pics!!
  13. bret61081

    I need Live Rock in Miami

    there is a guy on the big auction site that lives in Davie which is about 30 min north of Miami...he sells Carribean rock for 2.50 a pound and haitian for 2.10 a pound.... look up liverockboy
  14. bret61081

    Dont Bother, Just Testing

    Hey Dogstar...a while back you had some frags of xenia and stuff you were trading or selling....have anything these days? or are you going to the Frag Swap this coming weekend....let me know! can email me at Bret
  15. bret61081

    Keep two mantis shrimp together?

    yeah it was plastic...they are gone now...I tried to get rid of the one that was living but the guy at the LFS said to just throw it in the thats what I did! he said htey take the rock from the keys and they are local! so go ahead guys...start yelling!
  16. bret61081

    Keep two mantis shrimp together?

    When I first started adding LR I had 3 of them!....put them all in a 2.5G tank as I got them out....within a few days I was down to I wouldn't risk it unless the new one is ment to be food!!
  17. bret61081

    new fish

    Go with a Midas Blenny...they are beautiful fish with a lot of personality...
  18. bret61081

    Linckia starfish

    what type of Lanckia did you get? The Orange/Red are much hardier then the blue...
  19. bret61081

    buying a tank today...last suggestions

    Not sure how far you want to go...up if you go up to Beaverlys in Pembroke pines, they have a lot of tanks to choose from....but if you want to see pretty much every possible setup...go to Big Als in Tamarac...its at the corner of University and McKnabb...its HUGE...they have pretty much every...
  20. bret61081

    Banded possum wrasse photos

    My LSF has 2 different types of Fairy Wrasses in their display tank and there seem to be no problems. The Possum wrasse is a really docile wrasse...they had several in one I don't think it would be a problem. But have an alternate plan if something does happen and watch them closely...