Search results

  1. bret61081

    Anyone in SOFL...

    I have several red mushrooms to trade. I am in Fort Lauderdale. Looking for zoos, mushrooms, leathers...anything that will do good under PC's! let me know...thanks
  2. bret61081

    Which corals will do best...

    I was wondering which corals will do good in my 55G with 260w PCs? I just ordered new bulbs and wanted to get some new corals. Currently I have a BTA, some zoos, red and purple mushrooms. What else can I get besides these? I plan on getting some more xenia when I find some locally. Do you...
  3. bret61081

    Identifacation on these shrooms plz

    Originally Posted by Dogstar The pics are dark but could be like my blue ones. I've never got a species or common name for mine but I know the genus Actinodiscus. hey Dogstar..if you are ever ready to frag some of those mushrooms...let me know! I'd love some of them! I'll buy them off you or...
  4. bret61081

    Anyone with a ghost eel

    I have one...its pretty cool...they like to hide a lot..the olnly thing I ever see is his head! he'll come do the rounds of the tank if he is hungry but I keep him pretty well feed. I would think u can keep it in a 38G tank but I think they would be happier in a tank where they can streach out...
  5. bret61081

    55gal + stand + live rock + fish + extras for sale in Ft. Lauderdale

    if u decide to split...Ft Laud here too...I'll give u 15$ for the cleaner shrimp, cucumber and some snails and hermits!
  6. bret61081

    Flame Tail Blenny

    they are cool fish! they had one in a display tank down here for a while...but they would never sell it to me nor get anymore in...finally switched LFS and he gets them in once in a while...but I have a Midas Bleeny now and dont wanna risk a fight....AWESOME fish though! very cool to...
  7. bret61081

    Fish for my 55 gallon reef tank

    you could...just watch out...I heard they will eat anything they can get in their mouths...Id go with a toby puffer if thats what u wanted...or a small trigger would be fine for a while...I have a 2-3" blue throat in mine and is doing great
  8. bret61081

    ugh! this yellow tang has black ich too!

    do a search for it on here...I've read b4 where people use freshwater dips for it and have been pretty sucessful..good luck!
  9. bret61081

    lets see those pairs of clowns with there hosts

    hehe..yeah he is so cute and small....he came in with another female that actually jumped out of the tank the day after they came he put him with another female that came in the same time...and they took right to each eggs yet...its only been about a month and a half so I...
  10. bret61081

    lets see those pairs of clowns with there hosts

    here is my pair of GSM clowns....had them about 2 months I think...the pic is from before Wilma hit...since my anemone is still bleeched...any ideas on how to get the color back??
  11. bret61081

    FREE Seaweed

    what kind of tang? It took my yellow tang 2-3 strips to find it...but my blue throat trigger always enjoyed tearing them apart! keep it in a path it always swims in...
  12. bret61081

    2 GS marroon

    I got mine at Exotic Aquatic here in Ft laud. I watched it for about 2 weeks b4 I bought it and they are w/c. If you ask them to order u a small oje, most of the time they can. the owner said he ordered them serporate b/c they ship better if he pairs them and they have been together ever...
  13. bret61081

    2 GS marroon

    Hey salt....I got a pair of GSM clowns last month at a LFS...look around down male is less then 1" and the female is like 2"...they are so cute....Look around though...ther are plenty of LFS where we pick out our own fish insted of ordering them online...
  14. bret61081

    BTA hunger strike??

    I do 10G every month...sometimes every 2 weeks if the nitrates go above 10...I did 10G that Thurs b/c I knew the hurricane was coming wanted to get everything as low as possible. other then that Temp 78-80 Am 0 Nitrite 0 nitrate right around 10 Lights are a Corallfe 260w PC plus right now...
  15. bret61081

    BTA hunger strike??

    2 days before Wilma hit down here I got my BTA to eat a silverside...normally it would take 2-3 but this time it only took one. Knowing that Wilma was coming, I tried to feed it some raw shrimp and silversides...but it would not take them. prolly about 2 weeks prior to this I traded in the huge...
  16. bret61081

    WTB 32w PC retrofit for Eclipse 12

    this is where I got the retro fit for my 6G eclipse....they were great help with it.... Good luck... and if they delete the link, e-mail
  17. bret61081

    midas blennie

    they are great to find a hole and stick their head out...mine has never tried to it with the damsel b/c if it scares it, it may hide a lot on is a Pci of mine b4 Hurricane Wilma hit....not sure if he or any of my other fish are gonna make it though...but here...
  18. bret61081

    Photos of my reef tank.

    Very nice...better hope the Tang Police don't catch this thread! hehe
  19. bret61081

    Photos of my reef tank.

    beautiful tank! what other fish are in there besides the sailfin tang....
  20. bret61081

    will a CBS kill a peppermint??

    hmmm...I've had my CBS in with 2 cleaner shrimp and a pepermint shrimpe for about 2 months now...they all have their own sections of the tank...the 2 cleaners are on one end...the pepermint hangs out in the middle undersome rocks...and the CBS is on the other end...Sometimes the 2 cleaner shrimp...