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  1. goober_hunter

    Week 3

    Originally Posted by ruaround so far Tampa has very few penalties... and if you have your QB throw the ball 67 times an errant pass or 3 is immanent... true about the 3 turn overs, but in week 2 against falcons tampa had alot penlties . thats not to grudens standards. i think they have a...
  2. goober_hunter

    dwarf lions.

    cool , thanks guys. ill post pics of him soon.
  3. goober_hunter

    dwarf lions.

    nice fish. the yellow looks great. thanks for the help. yeah i had to make a quick decision to get him or not. in the other thread you mentioned gut loading. what is that?? thanks
  4. goober_hunter

    Week 3

    Originally Posted by ruaround do tell why you think they have played horrible??? the only time they played horrible was in the 4th quarter of week one vs the Saints when they blew a 10 pt lead... they CRUSHED Atlanta stopping Michael Turner (which no other team has been able to do thus far) and...
  5. goober_hunter

    id this shroom for me...

    yeah they are nice , plus my new dwarf lions loves to lay in them.. pretty cool. thanks
  6. goober_hunter

    dwarf lion questions..

    okay ill try a varity of foods. they are really cool fish. he still trying to find his place in the tank. the tang and him are trying to see who is king. thanks for the help... josh
  7. goober_hunter

    id this shroom for me...

    yeah, i dont mind. just wondering how big it will get. i think its done growing. thanks
  8. goober_hunter

    dwarf lion questions..

    hes addictted to shrimp. i tryed silver sides, but he wants nothing to with them. but as soon as that shrimp hits the water he goes crazy over it. ill try to train him over some time. i just got him.
  9. goober_hunter

    Week 3

    the bucs and bears, wow nail biter. i was so pissed at that game untill the last 4 minutes of the 4th quarter. bucs won in OT. i love the bucs, but the start of this season they have played horrible. still 2-1. go bucs
  10. goober_hunter

    dwarf lion questions..

    how many feeder shrimp should i give him while feeding him. i know three times a week, but how much per feeding time?? thanks
  11. goober_hunter

    dwarf lion questions..

    do you thinkn that a dwarf lion will be okay with clowns that about the same size? i have no shrip or crabs in my tank except for hermits and snails, the dwarf should be okay?? how fast do they grow and how long do they live? just trying to get some answers before getting one. any other advice...
  12. goober_hunter

    dwarf lions.

  13. goober_hunter

    Did you know

  14. goober_hunter

    Did you know

  15. goober_hunter

    Is it "Neurotic" to lock your doors at night?

    i keep mine locked during the day when iam home. i now have my wife locking the door during the day when she is home also. never can be so safe.
  16. goober_hunter

    How much do you drink every day?

    probably 2 gallons of water a day during the work week. i feel like i cant get enough. 1/2 can of soda a day. i quit drinkig rum. i run alot and work in the florida sun, so i put away as much water as possible.
  17. goober_hunter

    Going to Europe in 2 days!

    i lived it italy for 3 years. my father was in the navy. i did some snokling out there. very pretty. your going to love it. have fun , cant wait to see some pics..
  18. goober_hunter

    quick NFL question...?

    cool thanks.... go bucs!!!!!!!!