Search results

  1. goober_hunter

    REALLY fast video tour of most of my pets

    wow, isn't there a law with owning that many animals......j/k very nice. .. you must have a lot of patience.
  2. goober_hunter

    Good 'ole Brett Favre

    come on now, we (meaning the bucs) dont want him. i know we have alot of QB's, but we dont want no wash up. he will all way be a packer. i dont think he could be the same with any other team. may be the falcons... espn mentioned a couple of teams that could be intrested.
  3. goober_hunter

    Olypmpic Trials

    i have been, i watched them today (track and field, also swimming). i think iam going to watch this year.
  4. goober_hunter

    Ok where are my fight fans ? UFC 86 predictions anybody?

    okay now, every one thinks that forrest is going to get walked all over. well quess what your right.. going to be a good fight. i have gained a new respect for rampage after this last season of T.U.F. Gabriel Gonzaga in the second round by tap out.. Josh Koscheck Vs. Chris Lytle. i think its...
  5. goober_hunter

    ANY "As seen on TV" items that you actually, Love, Use, and can vouch for?

    only thing i have tried off t.v. is proactive. worked wounders for me. not so well for my friend though. iam sceptical about buying anything from infomercials. any one get the bango minnow.?????
  6. goober_hunter

    PS3 or 360 or Wii

    360 because it rocks, but playstation has games coming out that are only for it, (like metal gear 4). it alo has blueray.
  7. goober_hunter

    Why I Love Clearwater

    great place.. i only live 45 mins from there..
  8. goober_hunter

    VERY funny video!

    i got hooked on those for about two days, drove my wife crazy. she now hates the movies 300. still funny though..
  9. goober_hunter

    oldest person on forum?

    iam pushing 25..
  10. goober_hunter

    Any "Lost" Fans out there?

    iam addicted to the show bad, so bad i bought a script signed by all. my fav. is charlie and kate. you know they date in real life. to bad there is only going to be two more seasons (thats what i read). i also read that in the movie cloverfield the director put the darma sign into the movie a...
  11. goober_hunter

    Awful accident

    yeah i just came from there about 1 hour before it happened.. i live in lakeland but work in south sarasota. thats crazy, iam just worried about the drive tomorrow.
  12. goober_hunter

    this or that

    contortionists laptop or desktop
  13. goober_hunter

    anyone who lives near hudson/springhill Tampa Fl?

    i live in lakeland. i might be intrested in the stand. can you post pics of it.??? thanks
  14. goober_hunter

    How much are you spending a week on groceries?

    $100-$150 week for me and my wife, eating healthy is expensive. thats with hardly eating out.
  15. goober_hunter

    movies you grew up watching.

    anyone remember alf.??????
  16. goober_hunter

    movies you grew up watching.

    wow, it crazy how many movies that i forgot that you'll mentioned... the good ol days... .. just sit down and watch some movies and t.v..
  17. goober_hunter

    movies you grew up watching.

    what movies did you watch while growing up that you still love today...????? mine are: 1. flight of the navigator 2. E.T 3. land before time ?(original) 4. batteries not included..
  18. goober_hunter

    this or that

    death tank crash or car crash..
  19. goober_hunter

    Video Game Lovers! Have you seen the trailer for Gears of War 2?

    wow it does look really good. cant wait.
  20. goober_hunter

    help with coral price..

    also where is that frag swap at. iam want to go for sure.??????????