Search results

  1. lennon

    How often do you do water changes?

    Originally Posted by mike_cmu04 On my 12 gal nano i changed about 3 gallons of water and cleaned the filter every 3 weeks and never had problems. Every 3 weeks sounds much better to me. I cant imagine doing water changes every week. LIke I said, I understand in the beginning...but not forever...
  2. lennon

    Need QUIET equipment...please suggest

    Originally Posted by carshark EAR PLUGS!!! just kidding ' lol
  3. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    Originally Posted by CastIron Lennon, If you've got room in your sump, rinse out a gallon milk container fill it with water and suspend it upside down just below your water line. As water evaporates, the jug will drain. Cheap and easy! :joy: Wow, I never thought of that..Will it drain...
  4. lennon

    Cube or tank

    Sounds like you have it all under control. I hope to be able to get a 55 or 64 gallon. I just worry about maintenance. I know I have to do it but not sure if I am ready to do it that often. I was told that in some time when it gets established..that I may be able to get away with water...
  5. lennon

    Need QUIET equipment...please suggest

    I am getting ready for a 55 or 65 gallon and just wanted suggestion on how to keep it as quiet as possible. What equipment would you suggest? I heard there are some that are quieter than others.. thanks so much!!! I will be putting in a sump/refugium and will do LR, LS.
  6. lennon

    How often do you do water changes?

    Hi everyone ..Just getting ready to decide which size tank to do..larger 55 or the nano's. But I heard some with 55 gallons get away with monthly water changes.ONCE ESTABLISHED..I know..not in the beginning. Does anyone get away with this in a nano tank? I will add a refugium and sump even on...
  7. lennon

    Cube or tank

    Originally Posted by richie1742 imo i would go with a nano cube, they are more enjoyable. :happyfish Why are they more enjoyable? I heard it's lots more maintanance and there is no room for error due to the small amount of water.. Please correct if this is untrue since I am trying to figure...
  8. lennon

    I am NOT likeing this hobby! ICK AGAIN

    Originally Posted by bluephi115 my tank is 6 weeks old. I put a couple testers in a few just so mad. Hey there.. Just curious as to how things worked out for you.
  9. lennon

    filter for 75 gallon tank ???

    Originally Posted by puffer32 LR and LS are the best filters, and a skimmer. LIke puffer said..if you have LR and LS...all you need is a skimmer and I would do a refugium. Good luck
  10. lennon

    Have you seen submersible moon lights?

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx Make sure you guys realize that moon lights are for aesthetic reasons only. They don't really help anything grow in the tank at all. You could probably save a ton of money and buy a nightlight and put it behind the tank with a blue Christmas bulb in it. chip...
  11. lennon

    please help!!

    HI there. I am rather new myself but the best advise I can give is to do a search here for the things you need to know. Just type light advise on the search area. Also, get some marine books from the library or purchase them. They give tons of information as to everything you asked about...but...
  12. lennon

    HOw do these MOONLIGHTs sound??advise needed

    Can you guys give me your opinion on these?? They are $40 I am starting new and do not have anything yet. I will be getting a 55 or 65 gallon Thanks much!! invertebrates, and photosynthetic corals. Moonlight plays an enormous roll in the feeding and spawning patterns of the many oceans and lakes...
  13. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    I made a mistake..It is $137. and with the description below... Aqua Medic SP 3000 Niveaumat w/ Auto Top-off Pump System Item Code: AQ4513 Price: $137.00 Is this agood price for these systems? Customer Reviews Not rated yet Automatic top up unit with peristaltic pump and float switch The...
  14. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    Originally Posted by tree I couldn't locate the Aqua Medic one you are referring to Here is the info on the Aqua Medic. You can also get the dosing pump for it. The Aqua Medic SP 3000 Niveaumat will automatically top up evaporated water in fresh and salt water aquariums. It comprises an SP 3000...
  15. lennon

    Have you seen submersible moon lights?

    Originally Posted by chipmaker Something tells me they are not a true moon light in the proper range of color, if they have to have an additional color tinted tube.......I have dropped my coral life moon light in the tank already without any adverse effects. They do not really get hot enough to...
  16. lennon

    Have you seen submersible moon lights?

    So no need to get the ones that are attached to the other lights? That would save alittle $'s hopefully.
  17. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    Originally Posted by tree Are you looking for gravity fed or some type with a pump? When you say you are looking for flood protection, are you referring to protection from the auto topoff or from power/return pump failure? HI there. Being that I want most of the equiptment below in the sump, I...
  18. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    Originally Posted by L.Roach salt or freshwater Salt..
  19. lennon

    Need sugg for automatic top off system

    I am not a handy I cannot make one myself. BuT does anyone have suggestions for a simple auto top off system? I saw one from Aqua Medic for $ that good? I need protection from a flood too. Thank in advance for the help!!