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  1. plum70rt

    New MH lights

    start out like an hour at a time, then increase an hour per week, till you reach disired time length, I run my MH from 12pm til 6pm
  2. plum70rt

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    How about this one , could it be? It popped up in my 7 gallon:mad:
  3. plum70rt

    Kelvins for MH

  4. plum70rt

    Kelvins for MH

    I do , ok 20k
  5. plum70rt

    15G Setup, What would you do???

    Thanks Milt, my tank that little 7 gallon, has 72 watts PC lighting 2, 27 watt 6700k , and 2, 9 watt Actinics:)
  6. plum70rt

    Kelvins for MH

    Radiums 20K or Venture 10k or hamilton 10k or Ushio 10k or the list goes on:eek:
  7. plum70rt

    Foxface in a Reef?

    I have 2 foxfaces in my reef, they paired up,all thse fish get along very well
  8. plum70rt

    15G Setup, What would you do???

    Ok , then make another mini reef, some softies and shrooms, I like a little tank, easy to work on:)
  9. plum70rt

    15G Setup, What would you do???

    Is that a PC bulb? Im not fimilar with it?
  10. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium 47th Anual Show pics

    Maybe your Drinking then? Im a good reef keeper, But a lousy picture taker:p
  11. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    Id like to add that this little tank is closely monitored there is very little margin for error, the ph is always being adjusted, lots of evaporation, small tank , big responibility:)
  12. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    It was had 3 days of saltwater fun!!!, go to the pic forum and check it out:)
  13. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    :) Thanks I did luck out , I knew I would make this something Different when I first saw it, If you havent seen it already this was the 3rd Place winning tank at the FMAS show , I was up againts 30 and 40 gallon tanks, so I dont feel bad, next year look out, I only had it up and running 2 months,
  14. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    Melody My Dear I dont mind at all, I cant take Credit on the tanks wood frame its Real Oak, not Veneer, I found the empty shell at a Garage sale, Missing lots of Items to make it work right, the stand I found at walmart, also Real Oak, matches real nice this tank gets more attention in my Home...
  15. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    His Brother Mr Ultra Maxima :)
  16. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

  17. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    :) Lights
  18. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

  19. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    Yes I can:)
  20. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    Well lets start off with This tank That I pretty much built, I cant take credit for the tank itself, and the Cabinet, the lights filteration, Skimmer are all me Its a 7 gallon with 72 watts of PC, 2 custom sealife fixtures with reflectors 2 4 inch fans, Tank stays at 80 Degrees all the time...