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  1. plum70rt

    Water Changes?

    Yes :) , Ok I see, just to let you know, I planed and looked for almost 2 years before seeing a tank that I wanted, I had a 135 gallon that was never setup because I never would of been happy with it, PHD , Great for you!:) you will probably get a job in the private sector making big $$$$ and...
  2. plum70rt

    New rock Added

    I agree, but I got a good deal on this rock, I took all I could get, I built up the back a bit, I can still add more:) Edit, also I love that little 7 gallon , I cant do no wrong in it , the water stays great, any info you need just ask:)
  3. plum70rt

    New rock Added

  4. plum70rt

    New rock Added

    I added more rock today, about 80 lbs worth, what do you think? Before
  5. plum70rt

    Water Changes?

    Leigh my Dear, soon you wont be a grad student, you will get a job, and half your pay will go to Tank items and fish:D the other half will go to minor things like food and shelter, so get ready;) BTW may I ask how old are you? is it getting close?
  6. plum70rt

    What are the laws?

    Hey chef J,:) Sorry Pal, big tanks costs big bucks to fill , It is Illegal to take sand or rock, or coral, you can take some sponges and gorgorians but there are limits, fish you can take you must have a saltwater fishing license, you can call 888 404 3922 Division of law enforcement to hear...
  7. plum70rt

    Water Changes?

    Hi Tim, NO promblems at all, but Im worried about trace elements Im sure I need to replace some, I was going to use seawater, I collected about 2 miles out, right outside Biscayne Bay, off Miami, super clean,or should I mix my own? I have Instant ocean and a RO/DI unit?
  8. plum70rt

    Anyone with a carpet anemone...please read!

    Mine does that too, tempermental Creatures:) I guess so Leigh, My sabae almost cant get any bigger I wish it would split already:rolleyes:
  9. plum70rt

    Water Changes?

    Im gearing up for a water change first one ever! Should I do a small water change? not to shock anything I was going to do like 10 or 20 gallons, should I do more?
  10. plum70rt

    Ophiura, or any other people who know about starfishies:

    I have one , a few months now,:)
  11. plum70rt

    Anyone with a carpet anemone...please read!

    Did it stay that way? Mine expands and contracts , goes flat, puffs up, it has mood swings, I think some day it may try to eat me if I gave it the chance:eek:
  12. plum70rt

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    it does retract when touched, if you look in first pic my gorgonian wont open fully, HELP!! is the Kalk mix or hot water the answer?
  13. plum70rt

    Beauty of Nano's

    Sally Says hi,:)
  14. plum70rt

    what kind of naso is this???

    Thank you,:) Yes I like this fish too, one of my favorites, Mine does What you describe too, changes color when upset, normal for this fish, Ive also been told they are also refered to as Vlamingii Tangs, they will change when then get a little older and can get up to 12 inches , mine is a...
  15. plum70rt

    what kind of naso is this???

    A blue spot Naso, I got mine right from this site great fish Good luck, look under the U build it for description:)
  16. plum70rt

    metal halide ?

    oh man, do a search on Metal Halides, many choices on bulbs and Ballasts, no one has the right answer, its what you like and works for you:)
  17. plum70rt

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    Look , now how to get rid of them?
  18. plum70rt

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    Hi, No Tim, Aiptasias, here look Never seen one before , its in my 7 gallon
  19. plum70rt

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    where do these come from? I have like 3 small ones growing right on back of tank
  20. plum70rt

    This isn't a hobby anymore...
