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  1. plum70rt

    OT: my new toy

    Congrads, on the new bike, best of luck with it, I got a new toy too on fathers day,:)
  2. plum70rt

    Pop Eye on Percula Clown

    Nice, Lengh x width x height,devide by 231= your gallons you have a 60 gallon, RO/DI, is reverse osmosis, deionized water, Filtered water,Do you use tap water?or store bought distilled water, IMO water is the most important thing, tap water may have Phosphates or silicates which cause promblems...
  3. plum70rt

    Pop Eye on Percula Clown

    Weather nice today No rain,:) 81 right now, I was reading back a bit, 50% water change, ? seem like alot at one time is that what you usally do? do you make your own SW? RO/DI water? how big is your tank?o
  4. plum70rt

    Pop Eye on Percula Clown

    LOL Hey Duputy, trust these guys they know what their talking about, dont trust the LFS, may I ask where is Crawfordville is?
  5. plum70rt

    Updated coral farm progress.

    Very Nice, Best of luck,Looks Great:)
  6. plum70rt

    7 gallon help

    whats the demensions? IMO I say inch to inch and a half, also IMO there is no real limit, its what will fit and what you can feed properly:)
  7. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    thats alot ,:) you guys helped me save this fish:) the white spots are salt drops on glass tank, the fish is clean, how long to keep him at the low SG? also meds for 5 days, then stop?
  8. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    looks better in person , on the mend I hope:)
  9. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    Im using a glass Hydrometer,I went to LFS to check it with refractor, I get the same results, But I agree, a refractor I will get, try to get a pic up, thanks again:)
  10. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    Yes On the Mend!! Thanks Very much, I learned a valuable lesson,QT Always and thanks to you , My fish will survive, I hope, looks 100% better, hes a strong fish, ok meds where double dosed, then single dosed, Now I can do a water change before I redose tommorrow? Starting to eat little,should I...
  11. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    can this brain get any fatter:D
  12. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    :) Mr Maxima
  13. plum70rt

    My 7 Gallon Nano

    Some updated pics all 6 clowns still fine,:)
  14. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    Thank you very much, A tough time for this guy, how long can he go without eating before it becomes a big problem?
  15. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    im using a hydrometer, and a deep six, seem to be pretty close, My LFS has a refractor I will check it with them, should I add the meds now?or wait till 1009?
  16. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    ok hes in, no spots , but lethargic, SG ia now at 1019, how fast can I lower it to 1009?
  17. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    things looked better, then worse:( ok QT is set up , just waiting till temp goes up, 2 quick Qs, how fast can I lower the SG? and whats the best temp to keep it at? I set up a 30 gallon long, I usally keep my reef 80,81?
  18. plum70rt

    Terry B and Beth RE: Hyposalinity

    ok , whats the best temp then to keep in the QT, if Im going to do a Hypo?
  19. plum70rt

    Naso Tang, Cloudy eye

    LFS fed pellets, I tried no eating,:( Lays on bottom motionless, what to do ? should I put him in QT ?, what do I add to water?
  20. plum70rt

    Can you keep an eel in a 30 gallon tank

    like the title says , can you? or what size would be good? Like a snowflake or Moray?