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  1. d0ch0liday

    could i keep a tesselatta eel in...............

    like i said get the off live food for a month...... then put a damsel in there and watch his behavior towards the damsel for 3 days......then try i would not recomend tangs but if you must have one do what u if you put a trigger in there that is used to being alone then he is...
  2. d0ch0liday

    could i keep a tesselatta eel in...............

    like i said first get the eel and get him off live food.....for like a month....then try putting a damsel in there...since they are cheep ....see how he reacts after 3 days then give it a try.....its up in the air......and if you put a trigger in with a tessa and the trigger starts harassing the...
  3. d0ch0liday credit for sale

    only got 10 im a broke college kid
  4. d0ch0liday

    Stuff for sale or Trade Jax, FL

    can we meet half away i live in tampa i can do it this weekend??????
  5. d0ch0liday

    Stuff for sale or Trade Jax, FL

    your not seling the ballast the caps the lights together?
  6. d0ch0liday

    Stuff for sale or Trade Jax, FL

    let me know about the ballast i can send you the money tonight
  7. d0ch0liday credit for sale

    ill give you 10 bucks
  8. d0ch0liday

    could i keep a tesselatta eel in...............

    depends on the triggers and the eel its always a risk with livestock
  9. d0ch0liday

    could i keep a tesselatta eel in...............

    hey i would try to acclimate then close to the same time.....and you litterally have to montior there behavior all day for like 3 days......... be prepared to hold one back if it goes after the work for my three eels
  10. d0ch0liday

    Stuff for sale or Trade Jax, FL

    will you take $30 shipped thats all i got at the moment email me at
  11. d0ch0liday

    How often do I feed my Zebra?

    sometimes when eels are younger or have been malnourished... they need alot food to build up enough fat to hold down then not saying this is the case, but it could be :happyfish
  12. d0ch0liday

    Eel in a Community tank

    we will se when the time comes... i would like to build a 500 gallon tank not sure yet
  13. d0ch0liday

    Eel in a Community tank

    good for you brother see just keep workin at it i hope it works out for you... once he trust you some more and vise versa you will get him out movin around
  14. d0ch0liday

    could i keep a tesselatta eel in...............

    Try to find one at a local fish store.... and talk them down in price.....i got mine for $90 and they usualy run about $150 anywhere you go, it also depends on size, the bigger they are the more expensive, hope that helps
  15. d0ch0liday

    Eel in a Community tank

    i will be alright with 125 for several years..... as far as my zebra what do u wan t yours to do that mine is doing????if you want him to come out and play, feed in by hand for starters, but be careful they have strong jaws it hurts when they bite...(i know) , but when you feed them by hand...
  16. d0ch0liday

    Quitting Smoking!!

    just 9 days smoke free after 6 years of a pack a day
  17. d0ch0liday

    Eel in a Community tank

    give me a day and ill get some better ones
  18. d0ch0liday

    Post pics of your most expensive animal!

    Here are my monsters 3 foot zebra 75 bucks 2 and half foot long Tessalata 80 bucks 2 foot long mexican dragon 75 bucks i got some really good deals
  19. d0ch0liday

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    clownnut is a champion if you have a chance to deal with him do so
  20. d0ch0liday

    Eel in a Community tank

    most eels are very easy maintence...... in my opinion....then there are few that can give you a problem.... also someone said they have a 40 gallon tank.... in my opinion since eels oportunistic predators (meaning they eat when it is avaiable because they are so lazy) ) they dont need to move...