Search results

  1. d0ch0liday

    Staining/refinishing wood on a stand and a canopy????

    Does anyone know how to do a good job staining wood.... any tips or tricks???????
  2. d0ch0liday

    A new 240 gal, need ideas

    hey no need to argue guys ..... with live stock its all ways a risk you know.... one trigger might be this way and another trigger might be that way...same goes for eels puffers ect ect you know..... you never know you might get a snowflake eel and a damsel, and the little devil whoops the...
  3. d0ch0liday

    need help on eels

    silversides are really cool but at the same time they are very very fatty.... they are good to induce an appetite, but its like giving a dog steak from the table, its not very good to do it all the time.... you know what i meen. Also snowflakes fall under enchida (i think i am saying right lol)...
  4. d0ch0liday

    Any one selling live sand in florida?

    hey thanks you got mail
  5. d0ch0liday

    110 Gallon Long Tank for sale!

    he lives in or around tampa fl
  6. d0ch0liday

    Any one selling live sand in florida?

    Hey i am looking for about 100 lbs of live sand for a decent price in the florida area can some one let me know if they got any thanks
  7. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    hey fishta dont worry about it bro ...... i just found a guy in bradenton that is selling me is 110 oceanic stand canopy wet dry skimmer lighting ect ect for 290 in 2 weeks so what ill do is talk to my friend mark who lives in north dale and see if he can give you the full $200 since i can not...
  8. d0ch0liday

    BETH, tesselatta question?

    feeding him will not hurt them they love to eat.... they just get monsterous in size the cleaner wrasse might . i am thinking aout getting one for my eels, but one of my eels still thiks it is ok to eat live food , maybe in month ill break him and get a wrasse, but the cleaner shrimps work...
  9. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    hey man i just talked to the old lady she said she loved to buy the tank, but she can only come up with $185 bucks, cuz she has bills to pay and i am broke as a joke... so thats where we are at with it
  10. d0ch0liday

    180 Gallon for sale or trade in FL.

    i am willing to trade my tank plus cash
  11. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    save them as "jpg" and go to Manage atachments at the bottom of the post, then upload the attachments... then they will be posted :happy:
  12. d0ch0liday

    65 RR tank/stand/hood great shape

    lol after a few beers though my facewould be like this then a few more then finally
  13. d0ch0liday

    65 RR tank/stand/hood great shape

    sorry there are no excuses you must eat the prime rib...... lol j/k hey i am the man at poker i have a great face it looks somthin like this ok ill stop you guys discuss the tank
  14. d0ch0liday

    65 RR tank/stand/hood great shape

    and prime rib!!!! :scared:
  15. d0ch0liday

    65 RR tank/stand/hood great shape

    you should come up here on a tuesday $15 dollar prime rib night at the rib!!!!!
  16. d0ch0liday

    180 Gallon for sale or trade in FL.

    hey did you still want to maybe trade out tanks
  17. d0ch0liday

    BETH, tesselatta question?

    hey whats going on i might be able to help..... my tasmo (name for my tessa) like to open his mouth extremely wide then suck in alot of water making his face swell up......if this is what your refering to... very normal..... if you feel he is not getting enough air open some valves to a skimmer...
  18. d0ch0liday

    I cant decide

    get one of these heres mine
  19. d0ch0liday

    How to clean aggresive tank

    there was no implication , but hey i appalagize i did not realize evry one would over analyze a simple statement..... hey guys come on really "sound" sounded stupid just saying it so i put it in quotes this is stupid word game, if someones feeling were hurt, i am sorry but come on, how was i...
  20. d0ch0liday

    180 Gallon for sale or trade in FL.

    i am very very very intrested in trading tanks with you brother.... i sent you mail :happy: :happy: