Search results

  1. d0ch0liday

    what eel should i get?

    hey man i have a tessa, a zebra, and a mexican dragon, all in the same tank with cleaner shrimp and starfishy's ....anyways i got some pics of them if you want to see them.......anyways if you get and eel trained on nonliving food, they will mellow out for the most part.....sometimes this is not...
  2. d0ch0liday

    Green Moray EEL needs a new home

    hey im intrested in him let me know i live in tampa i can run across I4 and grab him...... let me know
  3. d0ch0liday

    Zebra Moray

    my zebra is 3 feet along let me know if you want pics oh and by the way when i bought mine there was another one to choose from that was 3 and half feet long and about as big around as the thick end of a louisville slugger
  4. d0ch0liday

    Tank in Charlotte, not gonna ship...

    i have a friend who lives on lawyers road who is intrested he has only got like 90 email me if your intrested
  5. d0ch0liday

    FREE Live Stock-Ft. Lauderdale

    hey if need be man i can be there tommrow at noon just hurry up and let me know
  6. d0ch0liday

    FREE Live Stock-Ft. Lauderdale

    hey i live in tampa and come pick them up i got three tanks a 20 a 55 and a 110 i need the rock and the clown and shrimp will have a great home let me know as soon as you want me to come get them if they are still :happy:
  7. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    ok thanks for your time h*
  8. d0ch0liday

    Ice Cap VHO what is it worth to ya

    what are you looking to get
  9. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    i can go 160 and thats the highest i can go right now.... let me know if thats exceptable thanks
  10. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    hey fishta you got to get back to me bro i am really intrested in that tank!!!!!! :needhelp:
  11. d0ch0liday

    CPR Bak Pak skimmer

    can you send pics of the skimmer to thanks
  12. d0ch0liday

    3 tanks for sale in FL

    will you take 125 for the 110 tank by it self just the tank?????? i live in tampa and will come pick it up?
  13. d0ch0liday

    WTB: Equipment

    hey ralph i am intrested in your turboflotar if you will send it for a 100 shipped email me if your intrested thanks
  14. d0ch0liday

    Looking for filter for 55 gal tank!

    hey holly keep lookin you can find a fluval 404 cheaper then 75 you can get them for 99 bucks shipped at i just bought one like a month old for 45 bucks shipped so keep looking
  15. d0ch0liday

    South FL looking for live rock decently priced or cheap

    Any i live in Tampa and i am just trying to find some live rock for pretty cheap i was wondering if anyone is selling any or knows where to get some for a really cheap price????? thanks
  16. d0ch0liday

    I need some good websites with BIG selections of eels ***********.com to name a few
  17. d0ch0liday

    55 Gallon. Make Me An Offer!!! Pics!

    ill pay 15.... i will need that extra 5 for gas to get there from tampa....... i might be able to do it this weekend if not i can do it some time next week for sure.
  18. d0ch0liday

    55 Gallon. Make Me An Offer!!! Pics!

    it would have to be on a weekend
  19. d0ch0liday

    Eel mixing ????

    Hey mike..... i was reeding you have been in this hobby for quite some time and i was wanting to ask you a question about the eel i am getting ready to put into my tank..... well i already have a tessa and a zebra in there that wind around each other and get along like pees and carrots...
  20. d0ch0liday

    question for DocHoliday

    hey man he has fallen off the earth..... i dont know what he wants for the thing but i thought it was too high anything else?????