Search results

  1. nerdy

    Looking for the perfect fish.........???

    Purple Queen Anthias. Similar to the species above!
  2. nerdy

    working 55 gal pic...i hope

    I like your shaving brushes!
  3. nerdy

    Full tank shot

    Awesome work! Keep It up!
  4. nerdy

    Well I am addicted and I'll show you......

    That Is going to look Fantastic!
  5. nerdy

    Ever seen this before?

    I would be so relaxed at work nothing would get done!
  6. nerdy

    Help!!! Do I have Ich?????

    I have heard that the Powder Blue Tang is the fish to get to tell If our water quality is good. If it turns pale then your water quality is poor! Don't quote me on this though. Like the above said youmight want to check the disease forum!
  7. nerdy

    Gonna share some pics with everybody

    Looks good! I would also like to know how long it has been up!
  8. nerdy

    Has a Boxfish(Cowfish) ever wiped out your tank

    I had a boxfish. It lived in my tank for about a year and then one day just died! I was away that day and came home to find every fish dead! All the water peramiters were fine. I was uneducated about this fish and if I knew I don't think that I would have got the fish!
  9. nerdy

    Pacific Mimic Tang.........

    Awesome looking fish. The yellow really stands out!
  10. nerdy

    One of my false percs keeps molesting my colt coral...

    I wish I had a camera to take a pic. My perc doesn't use my colt like an anenome, but when the lights go out he goes to sleep the whole evening in the colt. It is the cutest thing!
  11. nerdy


    My live rock sits on a very thin layer of CC. I have not had any problems but I have also built a good layer of cc around it too! 6 years and no collapses yet!!!
  12. nerdy

    Aptasia Need Love Too!

    Interesting but I don't think that I would want it to happen in my tank. I hate those rock anenomes!
  13. nerdy

    Newsflash: Thomas712 has MORPHED

    Good Work! You have been a good help to everyone on this board!
  14. nerdy

    From dusty corners

    I like it a lot! Very beautiful lion!!!!!!!
  15. nerdy

    PLEASE!!! Help with my new anthias

    I have heard that anthias should really be bought in pairs as they do a lot better with a partner. I had this problem when I purchased one and he looked depressed most of the time. When I put the pair in they both did well.
  16. nerdy

    Possum Wrasse Pictures

    Looks nice. Be sure to get a good photo when he is bit less shy!
  17. nerdy

    Muahhhh Haaa Haaaa- Look here!

    They look sweet! Are they a common species?
  18. nerdy

    Check it out! Tank raised...

    I agree! Great colours!!!
  19. nerdy

    Marine Bettas spawning pics

    Very interesting! You are very fortunate to have caught this going on, and even more fortunate to have photographed it! Awesome work!
  20. nerdy

    cool tank!
