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  1. ty_05_f

    help please, green bubble coral

    It looks fine to me.
  2. ty_05_f

    Free frags from LFS

    I get a couple of frags everyonce in a while from my lfs but lately I have been going to a new one.
  3. ty_05_f

    Never ending story...

    very well or that
  4. ty_05_f

    pic's of powerhead placement

    Here is mine the yellow color is the Skimmer and the Power filter. The Turquoise color is the powerheads.
  5. ty_05_f

    Tell me what u think

    It looks really good!
  6. ty_05_f

    Red tree sponge

    Well I can't really put mine there but it is under a power filter.
  7. ty_05_f

    A very happy gorgo!!

    very nice.:yes:
  8. ty_05_f

    Red tree sponge

    I have him at the back of the tank but I don't think there is much flow I will check that out. Yeah, I knew about not exposing them to air. What kind of food do they eat? I know they are filter feeders so is the dt's ok?
  9. ty_05_f

    Do GSP's sting leathers ?

    you scrape or pull it from the rock. It can be quite difficult, that is why my GSP isn't around my main rocks so that I can contol it. I just let it grow and right before it starts to touch a rock I frag it.
  10. ty_05_f

    Red tree sponge

    How do you take care of these guys. I can't find any info on them. I got him for free a couple months ago but he doesn't seem happy. I dose dt's but it doesnt seem to help much.
  11. ty_05_f

    Show me your Anemones (and Clowns)

    Hey fender be careful so the anemone doesn't get sucked up in the power head.
  12. ty_05_f

    I think theres 14, maybe more

    Those are Great Pictures! :happyfish
  13. ty_05_f

    No More Phyto

    Almost all of my corals look better after I dose Dt's. Steve makes a great point and has made me rethink most of my setup, but I'm just not sure anymore.:notsure:
  14. ty_05_f

    Happy Easter....

    Happy Easter to you too!:jumping:
  15. ty_05_f

    Kid threw soap in the tank - that's ok!

    Glad to hear it.:joy:
  16. ty_05_f

    clownfish hosting xenia!

    My clown semi hosts my mag float.
  17. ty_05_f

    Light Comparison.

    I can tell the difference its always great to get better lights. I bet the corals are going to be alot happier.
  18. ty_05_f

    Put up or shut up!

    Hey wrassecal your tank looks great. :yes:
  19. ty_05_f

    Back(diff)&Front of Blue Shroom

    It doesn't look wierd it just looks like it isn't attached yet, or it might be growing a new one.
  20. ty_05_f

    Never ending story...

    just ran off with