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  1. plum70rt

    new tank stand in the works

    Wow very nice, Looking great:) if you know if that person who carved those, wants to make some more let me know
  2. plum70rt

    OT---- Plum, what do you know about ARs?

    AAhhh yes WORK I remember that,:) Email me at I can tell you plenty,:cool:
  3. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium Society 47 Annual Show

    Hi Galina, have'nt seen you on here in a while, hows your tank? make sure you rave over my tank in front of the judges:D just kidding, if I win you get more tickets, for the grand prize, and other prizes, Im just happy to enter, this will be my first time, if you see me there make sure to say Hi,
  4. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium Society 47 Annual Show

    Ok Leigh,:) Im not a golf player, but you can make sure my glass never goes empty,:)
  5. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium Society 47 Annual Show

    Getting Closer:eek: , Hope im ready, I will post a pic when set up at the show, What happened? I went to Orlando for a few days to see a certain Mouse up there, come back and a few people are at guest status what Happened? Did I miss anything good?
  6. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium Society 47 Annual Show

    Cheerflip , you didnt get the invitation to stay at my house? if I win a get a week in the cayman islands all expense paid free, who wants to come with me? Sorry Bikini wearers only:) although a cheer outfit might ok;)
  7. plum70rt

    OT: Disovery Cove in Orlando

    Reservation is a must they only let a certain amount of people in a day, its a 9am to 530pm day if you want too, if you are a pass holder you get a discount
  8. plum70rt

    OT: Disovery Cove in Orlando

    I have a season pass to Seaworld, I will be there this week , Discovery cove is very cool,
  9. plum70rt

    Hello anyone from Miami,fl. Need Help.

    Hi .I can try to offer some advice to you, as this is a great forum to learn, first off is this your first tank? what you describe is not for the first time setup, as there are lots of issues with a tank like that,
  10. plum70rt

    Hello anyone from Miami,fl.

    Pretty Close, What is it you want to set up?
  11. plum70rt

    Florida Marine Aquarium Society 47 Annual Show

    Anyone want to see a great Marine show in South Florida, check this out, I will Have my Nano in the Show, come see all the great stuff:)
  12. plum70rt

    Saw it for 3.00

    I had a scallop for a day, fish had it for a snack,Also Chef I went to All Sea Life, they had some cool stuff, overpriced, I saw A big rock there covered with Polups and lots of stuff, 100.00 bucks, got a real nice green serpent Star for 10.00 , :)
  13. plum70rt

    Algae free magnets, I use the Hammerheads, super strong:eek:
  14. plum70rt

    Carbon use.

    I run 4 bags of chemipure all the time , change every 2 months
  15. plum70rt


    Right on, :) I dont think there are any personal attacks, just that you are misinformed on some info, people just trying to point you in the right direction, I too was bashed pretty good when I first signed up here, learned alot from reading threads, Good luck:) Now I got to get back to my 7...
  16. plum70rt

    Battery backup??!

    I use 2 UPS 1000 watts a piece, has kept my pump running 4 hrs no problems and keeps timers on for gliches, got them for 100 bucks on ----, long term you cant beat a generator,
  17. plum70rt

    best crab for red hair

    try sally light foots, but the triggers might snack on them:o
  18. plum70rt

    Spill your guts!

    Well, I have seen talk about float switches and all, but I dont feel comfortable with that too many ways to fail, so I found a really good doser pump, medical grade, and played with timers till it dosed the amount of water I needed, its on battery back up so if power fails at adding time it cant...
  19. plum70rt

    12 gallon nano.... Take a look....

    Very Nice Nano, are those 50/50 bulbs? or just 5500 or 6500k ?