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  1. ty_05_f

    Slimey Thing

    sponges are pretty easy to identify. They are poreous and have a central opening. Most sponges are harmless but some can create toxins and emit them in the water to clear areas for themselves. But not all do that
  2. ty_05_f

    my Flame Angel passes

    If you want another angel try a coral beauty, They are thought to be more hardy than other dwarf angels. I really like mine he/she is pretty awsome.
  3. ty_05_f

    Pictures of my fish tank

    IF you don't have the time to research it and look things up, then you obviously shouldnt have a tank. I can see how you can get things mest up, but calling things anemonies just shows us you have done minimal-none research. Get your head out of the clouds. Killing fish with a sea apple then...
  4. ty_05_f

    25 gallon Nano_Reef

    its looking great
  5. ty_05_f

    free advice needed!!!!

    go slow!!!
  6. ty_05_f

    Green Water

    try some activated carbon that usually clears up cloudy water but it might make whatever you bought not work
  7. ty_05_f

    found out the real amount of gallons on the tank

    Just a little off there timo lol
  8. ty_05_f


    sorry to hear that
  9. ty_05_f

    found out the real amount of gallons on the tank

    Geometry that was a great class.
  10. ty_05_f

    Tense Day

    May 3rd was horrible. My aunt's house was one that was hit. they had a bathtub in thier car. Our house was missed by about 5-10 miles. Helping my aunt clean up was even worse clothes everywhere trash and debris.
  11. ty_05_f

    found out the real amount of gallons on the tank

    i think the metric system is easier than ours.
  12. ty_05_f


    I got it from crystal clear aquatics in norman, she got in a shipment of alot of small corals and she was mad b/c they werent at all labeled and so she gave me some corals pretty cheap. The ricordia is green and a pinkish purple
  13. ty_05_f

    after 3 pics of my 55

    Very nice it's all coming together to be one awsome tank.
  14. ty_05_f

    Help Fast MArycyn question

    I would try the water change first and if it doesnt help definatly do the marcryn treatment
  15. ty_05_f

    Help Fast MArycyn question

    well I only did it with 3 gallons not really a large water change. But it was with well aged saltwater.
  16. ty_05_f


    What do you normally pay for ricordia. Saturday i got a rock with two very small ricordia for only 5 bucks. They are less than an inch. Did i get a good deal?
  17. ty_05_f

    Help Fast MArycyn question

    when my coral beauty had popeye all i did was a large water change in a couple of days it healed up all on it's own. And no i don't think it's safe to add it to your tank in fact im almost positive.
  18. ty_05_f

    whats this purple coral?

    its a soft coral right??
  19. ty_05_f

    found out the real amount of gallons on the tank

    Always have to think positive
  20. ty_05_f

    whats this purple coral?

    I don't know i could be wrong but i don't think its tunicates.