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  1. plum70rt

    flower pot coral

    Here is some 3 months old, hope it last, very nice piece:)
  2. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    When I am at the computer, one of my parrots usally sits on my shoulder, Kelly is 8 years old, talks,sings whistles,is potty trained, and loves to watch the fish tank, this is one cool bird, Happy Thanksgiving to all:)
  3. plum70rt

    OT: To laugh? Or not to laugh?

    :eek: I heard of using worms as bait, but this,,,:eek: :D
  4. plum70rt

    Zooanthids and feather dusters

    I have both, the ones that are out of sight are the single polyups with like 2 on a small rock,
  5. plum70rt

    Zooanthids and feather dusters

    I have recently added some of each at various locations in the tank, some have fallen out of site, down in the rocks,either because fish picked on them or current moved them, because of the tank size I cannot get to them, will the feather duster worms relocate on their own? to a spot where they...
  6. plum70rt

    Attention all South Floridians

    Anyone interested in meeting, to trade or swap or split an order of fish ,corals, or anything else you may need, we can have it at a location that suits everyone, or I can host it at my house, I live in Coral Springs,If you are interested or have things to sell , Email me at
  7. plum70rt

    red slime algea

    I had a recent outbreak of red slime too, phosphates were a little high , too much brine shrimp, used a phosphate sponge for 4 days , gone away alot, :)
  8. plum70rt

    Coral ID?

    here is another pic so you can see aproximate size
  9. plum70rt

    Coral ID?

    Can anyone ID this coral? some type of brain?
  10. plum70rt

    First Anemone

    Earth worms? Anemones never get them in the wild so it seems unnatural, but if it works for you :) do you mean sandworms?
  11. plum70rt

    First Anemone

    Frozen fish section, Silversides are good too, get them frozen at LFS,
  12. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Blondenaso 50s:eek: :eek: coldest I have seen here is 55, last year, , How far are you from Me,in Coral Springs? at 11pm its 74 here right now:)
  13. plum70rt

    Power loss

    I like the tie wraps very neat:) , I do not include the VHO lights, only pump and denitrator and the moonbeam nite lights , have 2 1000 watt UPS units, If you have strong lighting you need a generator, I live in fla so its never cold if power fails A/C will be out, so it will be warmer in house...
  14. plum70rt

    idea for top off water

    I have thought of this idea also, I run a dehumidifer in the garage ,water is pumped outside into ground, also the A/C unit on the house discharges alot of water , enough that I buried a 5 gallon bucket in the ground that catches it, always full after a few hours then overflows, I use it to...
  15. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    HHHHMMMMMM, Was nice here today in the 80s, went for a swim, Slothy too busy to warm you up:)
  16. plum70rt

    Power loss

    it depends what size tank you get , I use UPS units I got off ---- cheap, will run the pump and keep timers up, for 4+ hours
  17. plum70rt

    how many watts?

    65 +55 =120 120 divided by 29 gallons is about 4 watts per gallon , so your ok to keep most corals, you saw my tank and im about 3 watts per gallon, Ive been told thats a little weak,but I get good results,I think water quality is an important role too,
  18. plum70rt

    Ideal Temperatures for Corals

    I run a constant 78 degrees, Just wondering what differences do people do for their tanks in the winter months? In reference to keeping a constant temperature, here in FL, the heat is never on, the A/C is always on, keeps house the same temp and humidity level,
  19. plum70rt

    how do you secure your LR?

    I think part of a nice tank is the aquascape, just stack it until it fits nice, you will always want to move a piece here or there to fit in a coral or change the look, IMO
  20. plum70rt

    Are we nerds?

    :( I was almost convinced, until you mentioned Fords and Chevys,:eek: NO nerd drives a Mopar, Thank God Im safe:)